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Hey human, Its me Nature

by | 09-09-2015 13:17 recommendations 0

Dear Human,

What are you so busy at? You are not answering my call. I see you have read the message but you never reply. Everything look okay with you but why are you being reluctant to chat with me or be in touch with me.

Have I done anything wrong so you have shunned all means of communication? Or Have  I treated you so badly than my other creation? I have always loved you dear human. You are my best creation all I can be proud of.

Hey Human, lately I see you  misbehaving. I warned you not to play with Arctic ice. But why are you diggin it. Some of your friends complained me you are using limited fossils haphazardly. I told you not to touch that. Now, my home is filled with smoke and all my other creations are agitated. Sorry my child, you have to live in smoky area.

Hey Human, why are you releasing more CFCs. Didn?t I say it was our greatest enemy. Did you know because of your this behavior I have to open Ozone window. Sorry  it made UV rays to enter our home and cause skin disease to you. Understand it my boy, if you continue your behavior I shall have no option left but to open all my window.

Few days back, I got called from sea. They complained me you dump all your wastes in them. I am not happy to see my other creation being disturbed by my best creation. I have taught you habit of managing wastes, haven?t I? So Reduce your waste, reuse and recycle them. And,  learn upcycling process dear.

Hey Human, have you seen the posts of Trees. I am upset to see them regularly posting against you. They have send me several messages about you cutting them down doe self greed. I created trees so they can give you shelter and provide oxygen to breathe. So they can take care of you when I am not available. Dear Human, realize it. Don?t get me disappointed.

Hey Human, Tusk are for elephant, horns for rhino and antelope, musk pod clearly for musk.Why do you carve from them. I gave you intelligence and opposite thumb as your identity. Don't be greedy. I never taught you that. Have you ever realized how much it hurts to me when I see my other creation being threatened by Human.

A month back group of All Animal Union came to my headquarter. They were all complaining about habitat loss and their identity. Reassuring their protection, I have send them back to home Earth. Don?t make me ashamed now Human.

Yesterday,  team from Birds Unions came to me to forward case against you. They complained me about shooting and destroying of their habitats. They were even showing me proof of how inhospitable you have made their habitat. They were focusing on the radiation.

Hey Human, did you know why I made plutonium, Uranium so rare. They were for the final shots and I didn?t want them to destroy everything. Dear Human, reduce your nuclear greed. I know you can. Dear Human I have made contract with sun to supply you plenty of energy. I have made agreement with winds too. By now you must have realized why I made Earth filled more with water than Land. Its all there for you. Enjoy the plentiness. Try to make use out of it for your happiness my child.

Hey Human, I am writing this letter to you and only you.Because You only have the capability to understand me, you are my best creation. I gave you brain to make your survivor when I am not around. Follow your duties Human. Listen to your friend who are warning you frequently. And don?t make me cry.

Hoping to seeing reply from you dear.

PS I love you.

Truly yours

Caring Nature

Rahul Acharya


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  • says :
    Thanks Sujan for going through it!!!
    Posted 14-09-2015 14:57

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Rahul , its amazing to see such great piece from you. I finally read it and it was awesome. It need to be publicised more so many human will read the letter from the nature.

    I respect your creativity boy. Well written !! All conditions are matching !!
    Posted 13-09-2015 15:35

  • says :
    Thank you Yuna &#128518
    Posted 11-09-2015 10:35

  • says :
    This report is very touching! clever approach :)
    Posted 11-09-2015 09:57

  • says :
    Thanks you so much^Bindu di for warm comment. And going through the report
    Posted 10-09-2015 13:30

  • says :
    Dear Rahul brother, this article is simply amazing and appealing. Going through this I felt like my mother Nature is having conversation with me. The words are arranged so touchingly that can inspire anyone to save this mother Nature.
    PS We love you too Mother Nature, Sorry for our misbehave. You are our mother and we will surely keep up your glory and existence.
    Posted 10-09-2015 11:59

  • says :
    Thanks a lot Harmanjot to summarise the report. What you said is all true. &#128522
    Posted 10-09-2015 10:21

  • says :
    Thank you so much Bhawana.
    Posted 10-09-2015 10:20

  • says :
    Thanks Luiz &#128522
    Posted 10-09-2015 10:20

  • says :
    Thank you Alina :)
    Posted 10-09-2015 10:17

  • says :
    Thanks Prashant for going through report
    Posted 10-09-2015 10:17

  • says :
    Beautifully written,Rahul! Nature indeed is trying to convey the message that we need to take steps to protect and preserve it.But we are neglecting her for our selfishness.
    This letter expresses the pain that nature is suffering from.But,all of us can join our hands together to help protect MOTHER NATURE.We can be the change makers.Thanks for the report!
    Posted 10-09-2015 03:44

  • says :
    This is Just WOW... wonedrfully written !!! evoked every human to take care of mother nature !!! Worth reading !!!
    Posted 10-09-2015 00:55

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a touching report mate! Amazing! Thanks for that. =D Keep sharing and working green!
    Posted 10-09-2015 00:45

  • says :
    Beautifully expressed!!
    Awakening one Rahul. (Y)
    Posted 09-09-2015 23:14

  • says :
    well written! The style is lovely. Quite an emotional touch.
    Posted 09-09-2015 22:50

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi for kind comment and going through report
    Posted 09-09-2015 22:39

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What a masterpiece!Truely touching and thought provoking. Very inspirational , Rahul. Very well written. Every bit of it makes us think and realise what we are doing. Mother nature is suffering , it's ailing and we need to take care of her , protect her and heal her by following her advise and living in harmony with birds and animals in clean , green world. Let's not overexploit the resources she gave us .
    Let's remember that Earth can live without us but we can't live without her.
    Posted 09-09-2015 21:21

  • says :
    Exactly I wrote the article regretting my participation in destroying our mother nature. Its time for increasing our hand print and minimizing our footprint.
    Posted 09-09-2015 18:02

  • says :
    Its a serious issue we need to tackle as soon as possible. Thanks Deepak bro for going through report.
    Posted 09-09-2015 18:01

  • says :
    Thanks a lot Rod for going through Report. It will be great to have more Cambodian Friends. I wish to visit the country once :)
    Posted 09-09-2015 18:00

  • says :
    Thank you Bikal bro for encouraging comment and understanding the article :)
    Posted 09-09-2015 17:57

  • says :
    Thank you Rohan for such great comment and going through every bit of Report
    Posted 09-09-2015 17:57

  • says :
    really touchy article rahul...it made me remember all the activities i did knowingly or unknowingly that hampered mother Earth and m regretting :( And this article must be shared..I WILL!! :)
    Posted 09-09-2015 16:12

  • says :
    really touchy article rahul...it made me remember all the activities i did knowingly or unknowingly that hampered mother Earth and m regretting :( And this article must be shared..I WILL!! :)
    Posted 09-09-2015 16:12

  • says :
    A heart touching article.. Really we everyone must think seriously about this.
    Posted 09-09-2015 14:51

  • says :
    I wish my Cambodian mates can join this website to connect with people all over the world concern with our mother nature. There're a lot of bad new the nature has been destroyed by the human in Cambodia, as we've seen through the social media. they're cutting down the trees, killing the wild life, pollution , especially destroy the refuge of the wild life and the tradition of the indigenous people.
    Posted 09-09-2015 14:31

  • says :
    Reading this tears rolled my eyes... perfect one to let civilization know the importance of nature... lets share this as much as we can so it can remind all about our mother earth and how we are supposed to treat her
    Posted 09-09-2015 13:46

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Rahul, Simply amazing!
    I myself feel like Mother Nature has come to me & reminding me all this. Beautiful expressions & well written.
    I believe even if we achieve 10% of what you have indirectly recommended us to do, the world will be greener & sustainable.
    Thanks for a great post.
    Fellow friends pls read & try to implement just 1 of the advise. One by One we may overcome the environmental hazards that we have introduced ourselves due to our selfish interests.
    Posted 09-09-2015 13:35

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