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Drought Hits Ghana's Second Farming Season.

by | 10-09-2015 03:47 recommendations 0

Agriculture, for long, has been known as the back-bone of Ghana's economy with about 70% of the Ghanaian population depending directly or indirectly on agriculture (fisheries,  crop  and  animal  farming  etc.) and forest sector for both timber and non-timber forest products. Despite, this clear dependency of the nation on the agricultural sector, measures to combat the ongoing global threat – climate change, has not been clearly defined and climate literacy is still minimal in Ghana.

Climate change pose a severe threat on the economy of Ghana and food security since these sectors are climate sensitive. Any changes in the climate means vulnerability of our economy particularly the agricultural sector and potential food shortages. There has been recognized changes in rainfall patterns in Ghana over the years and in this year (2015), it has caused a menace to most farmers in the Northern, Brong-Ahafo and Ashanti regions of Ghana.

Brong- Ahafo region, which is the second largest region in Ghana and famously recognized as the breadbasket of this country, produces vital and most consumed food crops such as yam, tomatoes, cassava, plantain, maize and rice. With the threat of climate change, the second farming season for commercial and subsistence farmers have been a struggle in this region. With the anticipation to receive some rains in August and early September, their hopes have been turned down and now a painful incidence of dying crops due to drought.  The  limited  use  of  irrigation  facilities  and  high dependence  on  unfavourable  climatic  conditions  for  the  fruition  of  good harvest  tend  to  introduce  huge  instability  in  the  standards  of  living  of  the people – both farmers and consumers. The percentage of cultivated land under irrigation in Ghana is estimated as 0.89% which is equivalent to 23,657 hectares. The dependency of major farming communities in Ghana on rainfall makes climate change effects such as drought and flooding a critical threat. 


Most likely, it is expected that food prices will jump up due to the suffered drought in Ghana causing loss of harvest and expected decrease in yield. During an interview with some environmental activists and agricultural stakeholders in well – known farming regions in Ghana, it was recognized that most farmers recognize the variations in rainfall and have their indigenous ways of calculating precision on when to sow their seeds. However, it is advised that the government develops a robust and effective policy scheme for farmers – one which will alleviate the cost input of farmers in situations where the climate in unfavourable to their harvest. 


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  • says :
    Thanks for reading. As much as you share much concerns for the situation in Ghana, it is almost unrecognized in the cities here. I made this report visiting known farming areas in Ghana. People in the city just buy food regardless of quantity and will complain that food prices are high but they do not spot the relation between the lack of rains now and the high food prices in December.
    Posted 23-09-2015 08:12

  • says :
    Food security is a real concern for all the countries around the world these days and for a country like Ghana, where most of the ppl live with agricultural income, it will be a very bad days ahead. feeling very sad...anyhow thx for the report
    Posted 10-09-2015 20:23

  • says :
    Saddened to hear about the drought in Ghana.Climate change is causing damage to each of every aspect of our lives,including agriculture.In such situations,the livlihood of farmers and food security is affected.Hence we appropriate measures should be put in place to handle the situation.Thanks for the report.
    Posted 10-09-2015 14:29

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report mate! It is sad to know about that. Government should find out solutions. I hope something can be done.
    Posted 10-09-2015 14:03

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is a grim situation indeed, Joshua. I feel an effective way is to have accurate weather forecast by the Met Deptt. Govt. of Ghana must invest in this technology to help farmers know the exact time to sow the seeds.
    Feel bad for these poor farmers & pray for their well being.
    Posted 10-09-2015 12:47

  • says :
    So sad to hear the drought in Ghana affecting the main source of livelihood i.e. agriculture. We need climate resilient farming system and proper irrigation strategy so that the agriculture solely doesn't depend on rainfall.
    I would like to share the similar situation of Nepal this farming season. Due to drought in July we couldn't plant paddy in time. Many of the farmers suffered a huge loss.
    We need preparedness to tackle this sort of impacts of climate change and initiation should be streamlined in government policies too.
    Posted 10-09-2015 10:47

  • says :
    Thanks for reading and your input as well. Last year our government launched a farming policy but it did not work because of so many external factors and the country's current financial crisis. We are still hoping to have some rains, if not food prices will go high later this year.
    Posted 10-09-2015 04:40

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Sad to know about drought in Ghana. Hope policy makers and implementers work round to mitigate the impact of the drought. Looks like there is an urgent need to explore how to make food available to people affected. You are right , government must develop an effective scheme for farmers .This will be the surest way to limit the effects of the drought on the farmers and consumers.
    Posted 10-09-2015 04:20

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