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Ferocious lightning strikes all set to increase globally

by Dharmendra Kapri | 13-09-2015 08:49 recommendations 0

New climate models have predicted a 50 percent increase in lightning strikes across the world during this century as a result of warming temperatures associated with climate change.

University of California, Berkeley's climate scientist David Romps and his colleagues looked at predictions of precipitation and cloud buoyancy in 11 different climate models and conclude that their combined effect would generate more frequent electrical discharges to the ground.

With warming, thunderstorms become more explosive that is related with water vapour, which is the fuel for explosive deep convection in the atmosphere. Warming causes there to be more water vapour in the atmosphere, and more fuel lying around simply implies explosive results with ignition.

More lightning strikes mean more human injuries estimates of people struck each year range from the hundreds to nearly a thousand, with many deaths. Another significant impact of increased lightning strikes is highlighted as being more wildfires, since half of all fires, and often the hardest to fight, are ignited by lightning. More lightning also would likely generate more nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, which exert a strong control on atmospheric chemistry.

While some studies have shown changes in lightning associated with seasonal or year-to-year variations in temperature, there have been no reliable analyses to indicate what the future may hold.

"Lightning is caused by charge separation within clouds, and to maximize charge separation, you have to loft more water vapour and heavy ice particles into the atmosphere," said David Romps. "We already know that the faster the updrafts, the more lightning, and the more precipitation, the more lightning".

Precipitation - the total amount of water hitting the ground in the form of rain, snow, hail or other forms – is basically a measure of how convective the atmosphere is, and convection generates lightning. The ascent speeds of those convective clouds are determined by a factor called CAPE, convective available potential energy, which  is measured by balloon-borne instruments, called radiosondes.

CAPE is a measure of how potentially explosive the atmosphere is, that is, how buoyant a parcel of air would be if it gets convecting and punches through overlying air into the free troposphere. The researchers hypothesized that the product of precipitation and CAPE would predict lightning.



  • India Former E-gen Ambassador Dharmendra Kapri
  • recommend


  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report Dharmendra. For sure it happens with more often due to climate change. Keep it up. =)
    Posted 15-09-2015 10:21

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I had read somewhere that a bolt of lightning flashes through the sky and hits the ground somewhere around the world about 100 times every second. That??s 8 million lightning strikes in a single day . Now after reading your report , it seems lightning strikes could flash through the sky even more often than that as the planet warms. It's really scary . Lightning is indeed very dangerous and many deaths have been reported in different parts of world due to lightning. It causes severe damage to properties ,buildings , trees and much more than we can imagine. Thanks for an infomative report , Dharmendra. I didn't know about this consequence of climate change.
    Posted 14-09-2015 20:20

  • says :
    Yeah Dear Dharmendra, even we have experienced increased intensity and density of lightening strikes these days. Many death reports in Nepal this summer due to lightening and thunderstorm, especially people of developing countries suffer this loss and yeah forest fire is yet another tragic. It's time to get united for our co- existence with nature :)
    Posted 13-09-2015 21:40

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is a cause of concern, Dharmendra. Lightening strikes, if associated with global warming can have serious repercussions.
    Posted 13-09-2015 15:55

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Lightening along takes lives of people as well as destruction of infrastructure along with electronics materials. Its time to be aware and save ourselves from these ferocious lightening and thunderstorm.

    Worth reading !
    Posted 13-09-2015 14:15

  • says :
    Lightening and thunderstrom,really scaring they are!! and in nepal also many people die every year..thanks for the information mate.. keep sharing :)
    Posted 13-09-2015 13:34

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