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Clean Air: the essence of sustainability

by | 13-09-2015 19:29 recommendations 0

You could go days without food and hours without water, but you would last only a few minutes without air. On average, each of us breathes over 3,000 gallons of air each day. You must have air to live. However, did you know that breathing polluted air can make you sick?

Air pollution can damage trees, crops, other plants, lakes, and animals. In addition to damaging the natural environment, air pollution also damages buildings, monuments, and statues. It not only reduces how far you can see in national parks and cities, it even interferes with aviation.

Breathing polluted air can make your eyes and nose burn. It can irritate your throat and make breathing difficult. In fact, pollutants like tiny airborne particles and groundlevel ozone can trigger respiratory problems, especially for people with asthma. Today, nearly 30 million adults and children in the United States have been diagnosed with asthma. Asthma sufferers can be severely affected by air pollution. Air pollution can also aggravate health problems for the elderly and others with heart or respiratory diseases.

Some toxic chemicals released in the air such as benzene or vinyl chloride are highly toxic and can cause cancer, birth defects, long term injury to the lungs, as well as brain and nerve damage. And in some cases, breathing these chemicals can even cause death.

Other pollutants make their way up into the upper atmosphere, causing a thinning of the protective ozone layer. This has led to changes in the environment and dramatic increases in skin cancers and cataracts (eye damage).

Air pollution isn?t just a threat to our health, it also damages our environment. Toxic air pollutants and the chemicals that form acid rain and ground-level ozone can damage trees, crops, wildlife, lakes and other bodies of water. Those pollutants can also harm fish and other aquatic life.

The health, environmental, and economic impacts of air pollution are significant. Each day, air pollution causes thousands of illnesses leading to lost days at work and school. Air pollution also reduces agricultural crop and commercial forest yields by billions of dollars each year.

It is our responsibility to take every measure and precaution to protect our atmosphere, the air within! 

EPA, Why Should You Be Concerned About the Air.
Clean Air is vital!

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  • says :
    Thank you everyone for your great comments! Really happy to know that we are all enthusiasts for conservation efforts!
    Posted 18-09-2015 02:30

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    You are totally right mate. Indeed clean air very important to sustain life in the Earth. Thanks for the report. Keep doing. =)
    Posted 15-09-2015 10:30

  • says :
    I agree with you completely. Air may be something tasteless and invisible but it is still the most important factor that would keep us living. Lots of people out there aren't aware of this, but I hope that soon enough they will open their eyes and realise that polluting air may lead to health damage and environmental damage. I hope that we can work together along with all the other ambassadors to spread awareness on air pollution. Thank you for your report!
    Posted 14-09-2015 22:55

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Air is the prime reason for existence of life on earth.At the same time , if it is polluted air , it can lead to serious illness and deaths . So it is in all our interests that we do not do anything which may deteriorate the air quality. Well captioned that 'Clean air is the essence of sustainability'
    Posted 14-09-2015 20:51

  • says :
    Well said ! Air the most important factor for our living ! No air No life ! We need to understand this and act ASAP reducing the pollution and keeping it fresh and clean !
    Posted 13-09-2015 23:51

  • says :
    Exactly dear Fahad, each of us should be aware enough to protect the natural atmosphere and the air within. Air pollution is a serious global issue which is overlooked time and again but we should pay due attention to the degrading air quality these days.
    Thank you for this insightful report :)
    Posted 13-09-2015 20:15

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