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Promoting TUNZA Eco-Generation in Bali

by | 14-09-2015 14:13 recommendations 0

There is optional duty for an ambassador which is promoting TUNZA Eco-generation in the local communities. So, I was honored to promote TUNZA Eco-generation in Bali. I got this opportunity since I was invited as speaker on events in two different universities in Bali.


On 29th July 2015, I was invited as speaker on Student Day, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Udayana. This university is located in the south of Bali and consider as the biggest university in Bali. The Student Day is orientation day for freshmen and they were given seminars, games, etc. This faculty is well known for doing marine conservation in Bali. There were around 80 freshmen and 20 sophomores attending this event.


On that day, I talked about Environmental Awareness Movement.  I explained what exactly young people can do in addressing environmental issue in Indonesia, particularly in Bali. Everyone agrees that young people play an active role in protecting and improving the environment. They can change their lifestyle and how it affects the environment. They can make their homes, schools, universities, and youth organizations more environmentally friendly by adopting environmentally friendly practices, such as recycling of different materials as well as preserving resources such as water and electricity. Engaging youth in environmental protection not only creates direct impact on changing youth behaviors and attitudes, but possibly influence their parents, relatives and families. I always emphasize that young people like us can create a positive change if we have courage and are brave enough. I showed them what my community and I have been doing in Bali since 2013.  There are three biggest environment projects so far, which are coral transplantation, mangrove re-plantation and BeliYangBaik (Buying The Good One) campaign and all of them are initiated and carried out by young people in Bali age 17 – 25 years old.


At the end of session, I introduce Tunza Eco-Generation to them. They have no idea that there is such an environmental platform like this before. So, I explained what Tunza Eco-Generation is and who join this platform. If they want to learn how young people around the world address environmental issue in their local area, Tunza Eco-Generation will be the best place to do that. I said, "Think globally, act locally. Being in international platform makes you think globally and opens your mind. As you see young people in other countries start doing something to resolve environmental problem, you will get inspired and do something in your local area (act locally)."


Two days later, on 31st July 2015, I was invited as speaker for Environment Sharing Session in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. It is public university located in the north of Bali. This event was held for the student representatives of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. For your information, I am studying in this university with major in Chemistry. I was more than happy to promote Tunza Eco-Generation in my university. I explained what Tunza Eco-Generation is, what the benefits of joining this platform are, and how I become a regional ambassador. At the end of the session, I promote the 8th Environmental Essay Competition. They are likely to sign up soon and join the competitions.

Environment Sharing Session 2Environment Sharing Session 1Student Day 3Student Day 2Student Day 1

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  • says :
    Great work Ni Putu Wulan Romianingsih
    Posted 16-09-2015 03:36

  • says :
    @Rahul, @Sandhya, @Arushi, @Luiz: Thanks guys for warm comments
    Posted 15-09-2015 11:55

  • says :
    @Eco-generation: You're welcome. I was more than happy to do that ^^
    Posted 15-09-2015 11:50

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I am very pround of you. You did great!!! Hatts-off! =D Keep promoting Tunza and sharing your experiences. =D
    Posted 15-09-2015 10:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for promoting Tunza Eco Gen. It's nice that you got invited as speaker for Student day and soon for 'Environment Sharing Session in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha'. We should avail these opportunities to make people aware about environment issues , challenges and do's and don't and also like you did , we should use these platforms to promote our Tunza Eco Gen. Thanks for sharing , Ni Putu.
    Posted 14-09-2015 20:55

  • says :
    wow!!! thumbs up to your effort.. :)
    Posted 14-09-2015 20:19

  • says :
    Kudos to your effort and thanks for promoting Ni!!!
    Posted 14-09-2015 14:59

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Wow! This is so touching! Thanks for introducing Tunza Eco-generation to the students in Bali! We do hope to find an Ambassador to Bali someday :) Like you said, we hope many young people can get inspired by each other's environmental campaigns and reports. Thank you once again!
    Posted 14-09-2015 14:42

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