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Air quality - UAE

by | 14-09-2015 20:55 recommendations 0

When we talk about most polluted atmosphere in the world, generally two big country?s names come to our mind – India and China. So, when the World Bank?s annual report on global environmental indicators has been published 2 months back (known as the Little Green Data Book) it surprises most of us with the country?s name which contains the world?s worst air – it is UAE.

According to recently introduced P.M. 2.5 criteria (measuring miniscule airborne pollutants smaller than 2.5 microns), UAE comes off worst, with air containing 80 micrograms of pollutants per cubic meter against China?s at 73 micrograms and India?s at 32, whereas USA at 13 - even though the info is debated /challenged by many..

There are two main sources of air pollution in the UAE such as vehicle exhausts and industry smoke. As per analysis done by Environment agency – AbuDhabi, the cources and impacts of air pollution in UAE is as under (ref : annual report):


Statistics says that no of vehicles on road/1000 people in UAE is one of the highest in the world which is one of the main source of air pollution. Govt is constantly focusing on improving the public transport systems in UAE since last couple of years by introducing Metro rail, trams, increase in public bus routes etc to reduce the dependency of individual vehicles on road.

As a policy industrial bases are constantly moved away from the expanding cities to have minimal impact on air quality.

air quality is one of the leading priorities under the UAE?s National Agenda. As per Govt sources, there are currently 46 air quality monitoring stations in the UAE, apart from a range of dust monitoring stations in crusher and quarry sites/cement factories.

UAE?s air quality is exposed to many natural and man-made pressures. Development factors include increase in the number of industrial facilities, rise in energy and water consumption, growth in the number of vehicles, population and demand. Owing to the UAE?s climate, electricity consumption for air-conditioning consumes over 51 per cent of a building?s annual electricity consumption.

The ministry has also signed an agreement with seven governmental agencies for the launch of the UAE Air Quality Network. The availability of the network allows for more concise monitoring and the agreement aims to improve air quality by reducing emissions from fixed sources, as well as moving sources such as from transportation

But still a lot of works need to be taken care.

Now, as an individual and responsible resident of UAE, what action should we take? Here are some clues (ref : http://www.epa.gov/region1/airquality/reducepollution.html) :



Follow these Tips Every Day to Reduce Pollution:

Conserve energy - at home, at work, everywhere.

Look for the ENERGY STAR label when buying home or office equipment.

Carpool, use public transportation, bike, or walk whenever possible.

Follow gasoline refueling instructions for efficient vapor recovery, being careful not to spill fuel and always tightening your gas cap securely.

Consider purchasing portable gasoline containers labeled ?spill-proof,? where available.  

Keep car, boat, and other engines properly tuned.  

 Be sure your tires are properly inflated.  

Use environmentally safe paints and cleaning products whenever possible.

Mulch or compost leaves and yard waste.

Consider using gas logs instead of wood.

On Days when High Ozone Levels are Expected, Take these Extra Steps to Reduce Pollution:

Choose a cleaner commute - share a ride to work or use public transportation.

 Combine errands and reduce trips. Walk to errands when possible.   

Avoid excessive idling of your automobile.

Refuel your car in the evening when its cooler.

Conserve electricity and set air conditioners no lower than 78 degrees.

Defer lawn and gardening chores that use gasoline-powered equipment, or wait until evening.

On Days when High Particle Levels are Expected, Take these Extra Steps to Reduce Pollution:

Reduce the number of trips you take in your car.

Reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove use.

Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials.

Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment.



Hope to have a green UAE shortly with all positive measures taken.


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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I loved the tips. Very clear for us to take action. Thanks for the report mate. Keep the green spirit! =D
    Posted 15-09-2015 10:38

  • says :
    I see the UAE needs to as hoc in implementing using public vehicles. With comitted youths like you and dedicated government, I am sure UAE will tackle these air pollution
    Posted 15-09-2015 01:10

  • says :
    Indonesia has similar problems where vehicle exhausts and industry smokes are huge sources of air pollution. Though unlike UAE, the government here isn't doing anything about it. Thank you for your information. Hope to learn more about your region.
    Posted 14-09-2015 22:42

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes , Unmesh , vehicle exhaust and industry smoke are leading causes behind air pollution in UAE , although seasonally natural sand storms also contribute . Good part is that government here is doing a lot to alert people and improve the situation. But , we all need to co-operate with them.Thanks for your report .
    Posted 14-09-2015 21:02

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