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|BRAZIL| Simple Action Can Make The Change

by Luiz Bispo | 15-09-2015 11:52 recommendations 0

As some of you already know I work in a non profit organization called "Casa do Bom Menino". It is a foster house that support children and youth with social and economical vulnerability. Basically, the ones who live there got theit right violated.

Therefore, the entity provide a place for them to sleep, food, clothes, hygiene and education. We try to be their family. We give them love and care. In particular, I feel very happy on working there.

Well, I develop a project named "Planting and Learning". It aims to aware children and youth from the entity regarding the importance of environment for us such as animals, trees, soil, water, waste management, air etc.

In light of this, last week I pasted on their laundry a sort of informative warning them to do not waste water. Saying for them to close the tap when not in use. I hope it works.

I reckon that simple action like that sometimes can drive their attention and shake their brain regarding the importance of x things to the planet and to us.

Lets keep working and together we shall save the planet! =)


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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
  • recommend


  • says :
    good way to alert childrens and youth..good luck luiz..i believe your effort will fetch good result.. :)
    Posted 18-09-2015 19:35

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks Arushi!! =)
    Posted 16-09-2015 01:32

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I really appreciate your thought and objective behind this simple initiative which could make them watch their action and be more careful in using water. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 15-09-2015 20:40

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