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Participating at COP in My City- Chitwan

by | 15-09-2015 15:16 recommendations 0

Greetings Eco Generation,

I got call from Bindu di to participate at COP in My City which was organised by Rotaract Club of Narayanghard and coordinated by Bindu di. I would like to Thank her for offering me the role of ?Chair? at COP in My City- Chitwan. And who could deny such offer.

So on 8th September, we 36 delegates gathered together at PG Seminar Hall of Agriculture and Forestry University(AFU)  to participate at COP In My City. I was thrilled this time and like last time i knew it would be amazing this time again.

So we got into our Delegate Avatar, I chaired the program. Meanwhile my friend Prashant bhandari took the avatar of UN General Secretary and Prarthana Neupane as UNFCCC Secretary.

Rest of the participants were divided into different parties -

Annex I-Highly prosperous countries
Annex II- Member of OECD of Annex I Parties
EIT- Economies in Transition
Non Annex- Rapidly developing Countries
LDCs- least developed countries
Observer-Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), such as the OECD and International Energy Agency (IEA), along with non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Before formally conducting COP Simulation, Bindi Bhandari enlightened us about latest world news on Climate Change, importance of COP and our responsibilities and role  as Delegates.

Then I gave formal wel come speech and began COP in My City. Whole CIMC was divided into two session.

At First session, Each parties were given 20 minutes of time to prepare their agenads. And after that Representative from each parties came forward to express their agendas suitations. This was followed by speech from UNFCCC Secretary.

At second session, Each parties were again given another 20 minutes to prepare their commitment after listening to everyone?s  agendas. This time as well, representative from each parties came forward with their commitments and new plans to mitigate Climate Change effect.

Finally UN General secretary weighed out everyone?s agenda and commitment and gave concluding remarks.

This way CIMC simulation was ended.

After CIMC, Deepak Ghimire youth activists, shared his experience of working with different organisations especially one concerned with Children right. He also thanked for taking CIMC to next level.

Its sad but true, most of youths from outer valley lack opportunities to participate at national and Regional level workshop/ Meetings/ Conference. Barely, we get chance to share our experience and showcase our talent. But I believe with pool of such talented youths here, people will approach us as well.

Because of being agriculture/environment students mostly, their might have been selective biases regarding our role and we all being promoting mitigating efforts of Climate Change. Nevertheless, the depth of understanding regarding Climate Change and also mitigation effort that were presented clearly showed how talented and well acquainted our youths were.

It provide me pleasure to be surrounded by youths all filled with enormous talent.

PS I will upload photos shortly :)
Sitting on diasBindu diWith my old friend

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  • says :
    Congratulations! seems like a really cool event. Keep smiling and go green!
    Posted 20-09-2015 22:53

  • says :
    Thanks a lot Luiz
    Posted 17-09-2015 00:29

  • says :
    Well done Rahul and Bindu, You guys are so inspiring
    Posted 16-09-2015 10:52

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    It seems an awesome event mate!!! Cool!! =D Keep working for environment!
    Posted 16-09-2015 03:06

  • says :
    Thanks for the kind comment Arushi. We are doing our best to disseminate the ideas and modern issuses. And I must say you are the major source of inspiration for us :)
    Posted 16-09-2015 01:35

  • says :
    Haha It was indeed awesome time. So glad to have you as Ambassador )
    Posted 16-09-2015 01:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats , Rahul , for getting to chair at 'COP in Chitwan'. You people are really doing a good job by providing debating , discussing opportunities to youth out there in topics so relevant in today's scenario.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 15-09-2015 20:49

  • says :
    lucky indeed to participate in cop in chitwan :) ETS :D and also got chance to spend fruitful time with two ambassadors....And the CHAIR was looking so cool and responsible :)
    Posted 15-09-2015 20:08

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