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Air Pollution in Cameroon

by | 16-09-2015 06:56 recommendations 0

Wikipedia defines Air pollution as the introduction of particulates, biological molecules or other harmful materials into Earth's atmosphere, causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment. Air pollution is one of the most important cause of climate change in the world, since these harmful materials are introduced into the ozone layer which causes direct sunrays to heat the world thus causing the global climate change. Air pollution can be created through anthropogenic sources (man-made) or natural sources in both of the cases no effects to be minimised.

As we said in the upper paragraph, man is the important source of air pollution in the world, the first way through which man help in polluting the air is by the power plants, manufacturing facilities and waste incinerators, these industries mainly contribute in polluting the air since they produce a lot of waste which contain toxic materials which we all know is dangerous for our environment. These industries emit large amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, organic compounds and chemicals. This can also be a factor to land pollution.

Agriculture is now becoming an essential part of the world economy, but we never know Agriculture is also a cause to air pollution, the use of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides in our farms is very dangerous, since these materials contain Ammonia which is one of the most hazardous gases in the atmosphere, these harmful chemicals will be emitted to the air which contributes in polluting the air and may also act as a water polluting agent.

            Who have never heard that a country with a lot of natural resources is consequently rich? This blessing of the soil can also become a curse since Mining activities can also contribute to air pollution, materials are extracted from the earth, and this produces a lot of dust which goes right in the atmosphere thus polluting it. People notice that people who work in mining industries mostly suffer from breathing problems and air related diseases.

            Last but not the least, in most of our houses, we contribute in one way or the other in polluting our atmosphere, since household cleaning products, painting supplies emit toxic chemicals in the air. Most of us realise that after painting our houses, we have the sense of a smell which is difficult to breath. We all dream of having beautiful and shining houses but we don?t realise we create a sort of boomerang to us, since we are the ones to suffer from various diseases related to bad breathing of toxic materials.

            As natural factor, we will not have to detail more on that since we know when we have calamities such as volcanoes, earthquakes, it creates some sort of dust through the destruction of properties which goes write into the atmosphere to destroy the ozone layer. There is a clear example to explain that, on the 21st of August 1986, Lake Nyos which is situated in the North West of Cameroon, exploded and liberated kilometres of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Surely this went right into the ozone layer. We cannot also estimate the number of people who died on that day since it was estimated at 915 people, the air was so difficult to breath so people consequently of asphyxia. Till today, the Lake Nyos region is a permanent threat to the life of thousands of people, and people have massively deserted this area.

            Air pollution has a lot of consequences both to human living and the environment. Air pollution is amongst the top environmental problems causing a lot of damages on Earth. What are the effects of Air pollution?

            The first and foremost effect of air pollution is respiratory and heart problems, due to the breathing of the toxic materials this can help to develop cancer. Millions of people die due to direct or indirect effects of air pollution. We will realise that in areas seriously affected by air pollutants, children turn to develop asthma or pneumonia. We also realise that women turn to give birth to handicapped children since the toxic materials are a threat for them.

              Also air pollution has an effect on wildlife, such like humans, animals greatly suffer from the devastating effects of air pollution. These toxic chemicals can make the animals to change their habitats thus change in the ecosystem and also the toxic pollutants can deposit on water surfaces making sea animals to suffer also from this.                             

We will never finish writing the effects of air pollution to the environment, without citing the depletion of the ozone layer, since this ozone layer is there to protect humans from directly the harmful ultraviolet rays which is a serious threat to human health by causing eye and skin related problems. Due to the presence of chlorofluorocarbons and hydro chlorofluorocarbons, the ozone layer will grow thin though failing to prevent the Ultraviolet rays which will now come in direct contact with the earth.       

                                  Also, air pollution leads to global warming, we have the increase in temperatures worldwide, rise of sea levels and melting of ice from colder regions and icebergs. This leads to displacement and loss of habitat. Thus leading to the destruction of the ecosystem, various species disappear because they have a specific living milieu and they can turn to adaptation and accommodation, if they lack that capacity surely they will disappear.

                                  To talk about the solutions taken against air pollution in my country Cameroon, I think little or nothing is done to prevent air pollution, there is no special regulation preventing air pollution since cars freely move and sometimes reject a lot of toxic materials, with the introduction of a Ministry in charge of environmental affairs, I think things are going to change for the better. This is quite a pitying situation since we are in a country with a lot of industries and how can we do if we don?t regulate air pollution, very soon the air will become harmful for the health of these million Cameroonians.

                                  Air pollution is an environmental problem just like anyone and I think It should be given a lot of attention, since we only have one ozone layer and I don?t think Science will try and conceive another ozone layer in order to diffuse the Ultraviolet rays. So be wise, Air pollution is a threat to the environment.


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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for introducing about air pollution in Cameroon. I hope government can do something to improve the air quality. Keep sharing.
    Posted 20-09-2015 10:06

  • says :
    I hope this can make our government try to change that situation.
    Posted 17-09-2015 07:11

  • Arushi Madan says :
    You are right Air pollution is harmful for environment , human health and biodiversity as well. It should be given top attention but unfortunately government in Cameroon is doing nothing to control it . Thanks for sharing , Djonrewang.
    Posted 16-09-2015 23:10

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