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Air Pollution in the UAE

by | 16-09-2015 14:27 recommendations 0


The Environmental Protection and Safety Section (EPSS) of the Dubai government began air monitoring in 1988 for basic air pollution programs and updated their monitoring programs and their programs have continued growing and expanding. The growth of industry in Dubai is also a contributor to the air pollution problem. Industry brings with it pollution in the creation of electricity, refining oil and gas, manufacturing cement and other products, and more. Due to the rapid growth of industry and the degree of urbanization that is occurring. The number of automobiles has significantly increased per family and the number of trips has increased as well.



The natural environment in the region is also a big contributor to the air quality, from naturally airborne dust particles to major sand storms, as well as high humidity and naturally emitted minerals from coastal areas. Vehicle exhaust emissions are the next biggest contributor to the air emissions in the UAE followed by heavy manufacturing industries. While all measures are being undertaken by authorities to reduce emissions and improve air quality.


 The UAE?s air quality is exposed to many natural and manmade pressures as a result of development factors such as the increase in the number of industrial facilities, the rise in energy and water consumption, and growth in the number of vehicles due to the population growth and demand. According to the World?s Bank annual report on global environmental indicators, known as the Little Green Data Book, the Middle Eastern nation beat India and China. The results claim the air in the United Arab Emirates is the worst, with air containing 80 micrograms of pollutants per cubic meter. The energy use per capita (kg oil equivalent) is 7,407.The authorities claimed that the UAE Air quality testing gauged from space via satellite reveals that the air that residents in the UAE breathe is well within international parameters as set forth by the World Health Organisation guidelines. The country?s particulate matter (pm) of 2.5 levels did not exceed WHO guidelines.


1 in 7 kids have asthma.

1 in 5 kids have some kind of a respiratory problem

139,000 new asthma cases were diagnosed just in 2011

Respiratory infections are the second most common non-life threatening medical condition.

Poor air quality is the 4th largest killer.

Poor air quality accounted for an estimated 124 death in 2011.

Poor air quality accounted for 4.2% of all deaths in 2011       


1. The country has undertaken significant efforts to improve the ambient air quality as an important component associated with quality of life. A series of new measures in recent years to cut carbon emissions and slash industrial air pollutants from cement plants and open quarry operations appears to be paying off. 

2. The Ministry of Environment and Water recently signed an agreement with seven governmental agencies in preparation for the launch of a UAE Air Quality Network. The UAE National Agenda which advances the goals of the UAE Vision 2021 aims to achieve such leadership by ensuring a high quality of life for its citizens and residents. This pays equal attention to the environment and the results thus far confirm that the country has undertaken significant efforts to improve the ambient air quality.

3. Air quality is one of the leading priorities under the UAE's National Agenda because it is associated directly with human health, the environment and its impact on the economy. There are currently 46 air quality monitoring stations in the UAE, and the UAE government has directed special attention to in the direction of developing legislative frameworks necessary to reduce pollution and emissions. The country attaches great importance to improving air quality by achieving 90% of the WHO Air Quality guidelines as a target by 2021.

4. The Council of Ministers had issued a decision in 2013 to update product specifications related to diesel to reduce the percentage of sulphur from 500 parts per million (ppm) to 10 ppm or below, this is now in effect, and is required that all diesel fuel used in the country conforms to this standard. This will greatly contribute to the reduction of emissions of sulphur dioxide from diesel engines and thereby improve the air quality. The UAE is the Middle East's first country to support this type of diesel.

5. The Ministry has signed a contract with Masdar Institute of Science and Technology to study the relationship between fine particles, in addition to air quality monitoring via satellite. 

6. Vehicle conversion to natural gas were planned and developed, with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company converting around 2,900 buses and taxis in Abu Dhabi and opening 16 refueling stations. Additionally, Emirates Transport has converted over 1,600 taxis to operate on natural gas, and work is currently under way to introduce hybrid vehicles as well as plug-in electric vehicles to the UAE market to greatly reduce traffic emissions within city streets.

7. Promotes Green Building Standards and green applications in government buildings such as district cooling technology which cuts down electricity usage by approximately 75 per cent while raising the efficiency of the air-conditioning system to improve performance and consequently reduce the environmental footprint.

Much work has already been done by the Environmental Department of the UAE Government through limiting the excessive use of harmful gases. Efforts have been taken to properly monitor and regulate emission levels throughout the UAE at federal and local levels. 







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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report mate. Sometimes we can not do much cause of natural causes but we can make it better and better. Keep sharing =)
    Posted 20-09-2015 10:11

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for a well written report , Mohit. Natural causes like sand storms etc are beyond our control but otherwise we all can do a lot to improve the air quality in UAE and help our govt in making their efforts successful.
    Posted 16-09-2015 23:19

  • says :
    Thank you for a detailed report on air pollution in UAE.
    Posted 16-09-2015 15:20

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