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Volunteering at Cleanup Nepal Nationawide Cleanliness Campaign

by | 21-09-2015 16:40 recommendations 0

Its was on dawn of 19th September, saturday (weekend in case of Nepal), we youths from Chitwan and Nawalparasi all come together at Narayani Beach for our Cleanliness campaign.  2015 Nationwide cleanliness campaign was the third version of Clean Up Nepal. Our site co-ordinator was very own brother Birendra Poudel.

The onset of the program was done by giving formal speech by our chief guest. Then quickly cleanliness campaign caught it's pace. With gloves in hand and mask at face, we started picking plastics, papers, bottles, rack, clothes and other waste materials.

We divided the volunteers into two group. One were cleaning east side and another were going to west side.

There was the whooping participation of more than 200+ volunteers at our site. And we were able to collect more than 3000 KG of waste.

After cleanliness campaign of 3 and half hours, volunteers were provided with small snack pack.

Organisations that were involved in our Chitwan sites:

Supporter Organisation:

1) BHARATPUR sub metropolitan city

2) hotel association Chitwan

3) Leo Club of Chitwan central

4)Nepal friendship society

5)Salyani Technology

In collaboration

1) Udog Banigya Sangh

2) Rotary club NGT

3) I-PAT


5) Men's Room Reloaded

6) Youth in Action

7) EUR raukai

8) The Eco Minions

9)Raise Hand Nepal

I was representing The Eco Minions and Leo Club of Chitwan Central.

Our leo club carried out free water distribution program on the same occasion. We did this so that the scorching sun doesn?t discourage our vibrant and jubilant youths.

Note 1: Overall Clean Up Nepal Achievement

There were 300 organisations involved at Clean Up Nepal Cleanliness Campaign and active participation of 38590 volunteers at over 90 different location. 2,82,979 KG of waste were collected over all.

Note 2: Narayani Beach

Just 2 years back, this used to be the place of dust and dirt. But within 2 years, Narayani Beach has taken another form. Its now emerging as  youth hub of the city. Every evening thousands of people come here to enjoy beautiful Narayani river, hills and sunset. However, with increase in human activities, pollution has also increased rampantly. If action is not taken quickly, than like many big rivers of big cities, it will face the same ill fate.

This year?s site selection was in itself very wise location. We used this line to involve youths ?Your City. Your Place. Your Duty? , ?If you make it dirty, where will you enjoy next?.

PS Recently all the street light of the beach is now solar powered. CHEERS


Rahul Acharya

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  • says :
    200 + volunteer is like 200 house. The set a good message. Correctly pointed Arushi
    Posted 23-09-2015 00:20

  • says :
    Thanks a lot Luiz
    Posted 23-09-2015 00:18

  • says :
    Thanks for encouraging words Harmanjot
    Posted 23-09-2015 00:18

  • says :
    this what makes me feel proud on you as my brother and my leo too :D
    Posted 22-09-2015 15:25

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Rahul, it is amazing & very encouraging to note this hugely successful clean-up drive. The real satisfaction comes from the fact that persistent cleaning has changed the habit of careless souls & Narayani river front is now cleaner. But this must be maintained.
    Posted 22-09-2015 13:30

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats on the success of Clean Up Campaign. Glad to know that so many volunteers joined it and collected it huge amount of waste. Campaigns like these not only clean up the place but also send a very strong message .Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 22-09-2015 03:28

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great job mate. That is wonderful!!! Keep the green spirit! =D
    Posted 22-09-2015 01:12

  • says :
    Great work Rahul.I am glad to know that clean up received enormous support and so many volunteers.Great way to contribute towards the environment.Well done!
    Posted 22-09-2015 00:59

  • says :
    Certainly I missed you and all my senior brothers and sisters. Saying this I was so happy to see highest participation from our University. And my junior and colleagues heading towards a perfect path.
    We will do some great work sooner. )
    Best of luck for exam di
    Posted 22-09-2015 00:32

  • says :
    I missed the event this year due to ongoing exams but yeah I am elated to see proactive youths including my dear Rahul brother participating in the Nation Wide Clean Up Event. Well reported with pictures, well done brother :)
    Posted 21-09-2015 23:41

  • says :
    Thanks a lot Manav. And I am glad to know about your involvement as well
    Posted 21-09-2015 21:12

  • says :
    Wow Rahul! The staggering 3000 kgs of waste collected is not just a number but surely it represents a stupendous effort from Eco-minions and the other participant groups! I carried out a similar kind of clean up at a Dubai beach in July. It is great to know that such campaigns devoted to the betterment of our environment are becoming more popular in more parts of the world. Kudos on the fruitful event and look forward to hearing more about your forthcoming campaigns, Rahul:)
    Posted 21-09-2015 19:11

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