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Youths involvement in sustainable environment

by Burton Dorley | 22-09-2015 20:38 recommendations 0

Youth?s engagement in the Education for sustainable development is in relation to creating awareness with other youths, educating them on factors that should be implemented in order for us to have sustainable cities.    

Youths taking the initiative to talk to others on one of the world?s most environmental problem this are Climate change. How they can serve as change agents, and what they can do as individual in order to have the decrease on having global warming. Instead of deforestation, they should carry on reforestation cast out the use of plastic bags reduce carbon emission and educating others in order for us to speed up having sustainable development. With these teaching these youths were able to implement them into their daily lives one of the initiatives was to organized environmental clubs wherein they will be able to share, contribute like carrying on cleaning up campaign, planting more trees in their environment in order for our environment to be saved.


green livingsustainabilitygreen economy

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  • Dormant user Burton Dorley
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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report Burton! In fact, youth should be involved cause they are the energy and the change. =)
    Posted 23-09-2015 10:34

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Thanks a lot for the comments Arushi and Harmanjot because we as youths can forward sustainable development
    Posted 23-09-2015 09:01

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Youth is the backbone of the society and hope of the nation. Their involvement is very significant and crucial for sustainable environment. Setting environment club is a great initiative to involve youngsters in team events to protect environment . Thanks for sharing , Burton.
    Posted 23-09-2015 03:57

  • says :
    I completely agree with you Burton.Youth indeed can play a crucial role in sustainable development and can be the change makers if they take the initiative.Thanks for the report.
    Posted 23-09-2015 01:17

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