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Anti Plastic Campaign and Outreach in Ghana

by | 23-09-2015 07:21 recommendations 0

The anti-plastic campaign has been formulated to build the capacity of coastal communities about the various effects of plastic waste on their ecosystem. This project was developed due to the acclimatized usage and habitual inappropriate disposal of polythene bags and other plastic items by community dwellers in coastal communities in and around Cape Coast.

Among the many coastal communities in central Ghana, Duakro was our first visited community. The Duakro community is only about 100 meters from the sea (Gulf of Guinea) and inhabits about 800 native people – they are well known for the production and selling of gari (a very common and favourite Ghanaian food) thus, their basic source of income aside fishing. The town also accommodates some mangroves as well as other coastal organisms.

Despite the sensitivity of the ecosystem Duakro and its inhabitants find themselves in, indiscriminate and inappropriate waste disposal is a habit of community folks. Upon visiting the town, plastic waste, especially used polythene bags, were found on in and around houses in the community. At the beach and shoreline were also plastic wastes which can easily find its way into the sea and destroy some aquatic species. Ghana depends so much on the fisheries sector and thus a need for an education program for coastal dwellers on the ecological function of the coastal ecosystem and its protection through proper waste handling and disposal.

Executives of Green Africa Youth Organization

To ensure effective communication and resourceful capacity building, Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) built partnership with Ghana Youth Climate Coalition (GYCC), A ROCHA – Ghana, Department of Environmental Science (ENSSA) and Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Science (FAS) of the University of Cape Coast. With a coalition of environmental groups with diverse focus and resources, the campaign which occurred on the 21st of September, 2015 was nothing else but a success.

Volunteers ready to campaign

The anti-plastic campaign and coastal community capacity building event brought together 63 volunteers - a mix up of students (youth) and adults who has interest in environmental advocacy. At 6:30 am, volunteers gathered at the University of Cape Coast where they were educated on the ecological function of coastal ecosystems by the department of fisheries and aquatic science and the department of environmental science. GYCC also gave a lecture on how inappropriate handling and disposal of waste contribute to air pollution and induce climate change. A-ROCHA Ghana highlighted and drew the attention of volunteers to some species in the coastal ecosystem which needs conservation.

At this point, volunteers were equipped with all the knowledge they will need to speak against the excessive use of plastics and proper disposal of its resulting waste. Green Africa Youth Organization led the last session by emphasizing on the need for environmental sustainability and the role of youth in environmental advocacy in Ghana. Joshua Amponsem, executive director of GAYO and the 15th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Ghana also announced support given by Samsung Engineering and United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP).

At 8:30 am, volunteers and organizers set out to Duakro community to campaign for a cleaner and safer environment. The community leader announced our presence and mission and pleaded that community members should welcome us for a fruitful interaction. Afterwards, we divided ourselves into 6 groups with at least 2 people in each group who understands and can speak proficiently, the local dialect of the people of Duakro. Two groups were assigned to the gari preparation site of the community, one group was assigned to children found wandering in the community and three groups were assigned to households. We campaigned for reuse of plastic items, reduction in the usage of plastics and refusing to use plastics.


Giving out items to kids

Giving out pens

We expected to spend at most 10 minutes in each house since we will be covering about 70 houses. However, low illiteracy on the side of community folks resulted in groups spending up to about 20 minutes in some houses. 

After 3 hours of outreach, our target of coverage had been met and Eco Generational Ambassador to Ghana, Joshua Amponsem, called for a gathering to document feedback from community inhabitants on the campaign and to discuss a long term sustainability project for Duakro.

Discussing long term project

Members of groups brought out community concerns:

a. The community has 1 open dustbin which is not being emptied frequently. During our campaign, the dustbin was full – open to flies and other insects – and about 50 meters away from the shore.

b. Most adults in the community mentioned that the government should ban the production and importation of unnecessary plastic products.

c. Youth, especially females, raised concerns about the lack of toilet facility in the community.

d. Gari sellers and most women also pleaded that we provide them with jute bags which will serve as market and shopping bags for them in place of the polythene.

Joshua Amponsem, on behalf of GAYO suggested a joint project with the collaboration of all organizations present. This project was discussed and a stakeholders meeting has been scheduled for late October. 

The focus of the project is to solve the concerns and challenges faced by the people of Duakro community and enhance effective waste management and hygiene.

Joshua leading group

Dr. Michael Miyittah (Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science at University of Cape Coast) our dignitary, later graced the occasion with words of thanks to all volunteers and organizations who made the anti-campaign a reality.

Dignitary remarks



A. Educating Gari sellers

Educating gari sellers

B. Fisherman complaining about dustbin

Fisherman talking about dustbin

C. Campaigning for less plastic items at local store

Educating store keeper

D. Learning from local people while building their capacity

Learning while educating

E. Educating food seller to sell in bowls. NO MORE POLYTHENE!


F. Capacity building of native people on the importance of their ecosystem.

Talking to households

G. Fisheries and Aquatic Science Research Assistants contributing to long term project

Fisheries and Aquatic Science Department

G. Environmental Entrepreneur joins the discussion

George joins the discusiion

H. GYCC leader contribute to discussion

GYCC leader talk

I. Final Pictures with Volunteers

Pictures with volunteers

Final picture


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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Great job my friend.
    Thank you for the report.
    Posted 01-10-2015 21:35

  • says :
    Well done Joshua, This is very impressive!
    Posted 26-09-2015 18:01

  • says :
    Congrats for this campaign. Ghana needs a lot of awareness and a serious education in sustaining the environment. Cheers!
    Posted 25-09-2015 02:09

  • says :
    Great Report!! Congratulations!! :) :) Keep it up!! #NotoPlasticYestolife
    Posted 24-09-2015 23:56

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing the great vivid report and wonderful pictures too. Indeed plastics are one of prime reasons of environmental degradation. We must switch from plastics to better alternatives.
    Posted 24-09-2015 18:14

  • says :
    Congratulations Joshua! Great initiative.Glad to see your dedication towards the environment and its protection.Keep it up!
    Posted 24-09-2015 00:53

  • says :
    Fellow ambassadors, every campaign must lead to a sustainable solution and that is why I called for feedback from the people in the community. I am currently developing a long term environmental management plan for the community. I hope to implement by December with the support of other organizations.
    Posted 23-09-2015 19:21

  • says :
    Thank you, Eco Generation. It wouldn't have been the same without you. I really appreciate this ambassadorship and hope the next five months will be greater than this.
    Posted 23-09-2015 19:18

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What an impressive and impactful activity, Joshua. You not only spread awareness about 'harmful consequences of plastic' but also gave your ears to the community for their other problems . you mobilised youth in your campaign , visited so many houses .....I really appreciate your efforts and aim....Well written report too...Well done. Keep it up. Truely inspiring.
    Posted 23-09-2015 17:26

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Joshua!!! What a great action and report mate!!! I am so proud of you! Awesome! Keep the green spirit! =D
    Posted 23-09-2015 10:30

  • Burton Dorley says :
    so great I really do agree with you because plastic pose a real threat to the environment so let us do away with plastic and use eco bags
    Posted 23-09-2015 09:10

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Great report!!!! Congratulations on your successful first campaign!!!
    Posted 23-09-2015 09:03

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