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Environmental presentation

by | 25-09-2015 06:27 recommendations 0


With the aim of increasing environmental awareness, I had recently conducted an environmental presentation in my school.

The presentation commenced by clearing certain crucial concepts such as the definition of an environment and the difference between a natural and an artificial environment.

This was followed by an explanation of the Greenhouse effect and how this is responsible for an increase in the Earth?s temperature.

As students, we often ask what our role is to play in this .When expounded by a cause- effect -result relationship, wherein our as a result of our  increased demand , there is more production that causes pollution , the effect is that there is an increase in Greenhouse gas  emissions ,resulting in a temperature rise.

The classification of pollution into 3 major types: land, water and air.

The next segment focused on what we can do about this.

The answer to this worked on intermediary and secondary levels.

When we are convinced that our actions make a difference, we can conceptualize how the plan to achieve your goal and implement this.

At a secondary level, an awareness of the situation must be gained followed by gaining information, spreading awareness, leading by example while continually implementing what we have learned.

I had provided students with examples of this along with ways to conserve resources and also talked to them about the role of TUNZA Eco-generation.

TUNZA Eco-Generation goods were also distributed to them and they were eager to get to know the roles they had to play.

All in all it went off well and I was glad to have been able to spread awareness to my friends about the state of our environment and an organization like TUNZA Eco-generation, which works towards this cause.

I hope that this presentation will impact their choices to make our world a more eco-friendly place.




The TUNZA Eco-generation goods that were distributed Giving the environmental presentation Environmental presentation

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Wow!!! So inspiring!!! Thanks a lot and lets change the world!!! Education for everyone!!! Well done. I am very proud of you!!! =D
    Posted 29-09-2015 00:10

  • says :
    Good job done Asha...
    Posted 27-09-2015 21:33

  • says :
    Great job, Ambassador. Events such as these build the capacity of young people to connote environmental transformation.
    Posted 26-09-2015 07:37

  • says :
    Great job Aasha.I am happy to know that you created awareness among the students.Glad to hear that you told them about TUNZA Eco Generation.I am sure they were inspired.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 26-09-2015 00:39

  • says :
    Thanks so much. I certainly hope my friends lives were enriched through the workshop.
    Posted 25-09-2015 20:11

  • says :
    As a proud winner of the prestigious Green Flag, our school must instill a sense of environmentalism in each and every student. Way-to-go Aasha:)
    Posted 25-09-2015 18:21

  • says :
    Great Report Aasha!!Keep it up!!! :)
    Posted 25-09-2015 17:35

  • says :
    That's wonderful! There're a lot of things to learn from all of you guys to help protect the environment on the whole earth.
    Posted 25-09-2015 16:31

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Glad to see you taking environment awareness session . I am sure they would have been much more aware about the environment , it's current state and their role to conserve and protect it .
    Good that you also promoted Tunza Eco gen. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 25-09-2015 14:27

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Posted 25-09-2015 11:23

  • says :
    Wow! Aasha, so happy to see you presenting in your school. So happy to see you promote Tunza eco- generation as well. I am sure the participants learned new things from you and would be aware to have green lifestyle now onwards :)
    Posted 25-09-2015 10:55

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks for the report Aasha! It was great to have you as our 14th Ambassador for the last six months. We hope to meet you in another term as well in the future!
    Posted 25-09-2015 09:33

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