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Air pollution in Japan: From the past to the future

by | 28-09-2015 11:49 recommendations 0

Hello, at first, I felt quite difficult to write this article, because have been living in Japan only for one year. And here in Japan, air pollution is not big problem. But because air pollution has no nation boundary, sometimes neighbor country sends their country pollution to Japan. It doesn't mean Japan blame on them, because in fact, air pollution is global problem that we Earth people have to solve it. So, here I would like to explain about air pollution in Japan time by time. Even though Japan today has very clean air, but it doesn't mean Japan has a good air pollution management from the past. In the past, Japan was dirty and polluted. So, it is not impossible to change the World and make the air clean.


After Restoration Meiji in 1868, Japan developed a massive industry in the country. That industry pollution had polluted the air, water, and environment and it brought to the severe damage. Many crops were died or contained dangerous compound, health problems came to the societies, and so on. Because of this severe air pollution, the visibility was limited to 50 meters, and trigger for many respiratory system damages.


Still, even in the 1970s, almost 100 years, but the air pollution was still becoming environmental issue. After 1967, government was establishing basic law for environmental pollution. Under this law, slowly but surely, Japan had overcome the air pollution. This law then followed by other laws and government decisions for better air condition. Not only in the law approach, until now, Japan have still developed technology to reduce air pollution, such as technology for low carbon society, developing low emission vehicle, developing renewable energy, developing nanomaterial, new pollution management, and so on.


Then now, Japan is still trying to make the air cleaner and cleaner. In the below of this article, I show you annual average concentration of some greenhouse gases (you can check full reference  in http://ocean.kisti.re.kr/downfile/volume/kosae/E1DGC9/2013/v7n4/E1DGC9_2013_v7n4_177.pdf). I hope we can take the learning lessons from this case. They can convert over polluted to be cleaner country. Lets keep positive and optimistic, start from ourselves, start from the simple thing, start from today, so that we can make a difference. Cheers!

japan in the presentjapan in the pastannual

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  • says :
    Hi Harmanjot and Arushi.. Your welcome,, :)
    Posted 04-10-2015 20:18

  • says :
    Hey Luiz, are you in Tokyo now? wow!! if you still have chance, come here to Sapporo.. I am living there..
    Posted 04-10-2015 20:18

  • says :
    Hey Salil, yeah, PM Abe is doing his best because here in Japan, there is Ganbaru Spirit, means spirit to do the best..
    Posted 04-10-2015 20:17

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I am glad that Japan is responsibly developing technologies and other strategies to reduce air pollution. Thanks for sharing, Mukhlish.
    Posted 29-09-2015 17:17

  • says :
    Thanks for reporting on air pollution in Japan,Mukhlish.
    Posted 29-09-2015 02:21

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks a lot for introducing about Japan air pollution. Right now I am in Tokyo and I do feel that the air quality is not too bad. =)
    Posted 28-09-2015 23:59

  • says :
    I Luv ur PM Shinzo Abe!! A great dynamic Leader....he is doing a wonderful job!! :)
    Posted 28-09-2015 20:05

  • says :
    Great Report!! It is quite evident from d graph that d trend is downwards!! But as you said it is going to be a cumulative effect influencing all other countries!! I guess by neighboring country u mean ....China!!
    That's d reason G-4 viz. India,Germany,Brazil & Japan together are fighting for d UNGC permanent seat & so the steps taken by UN be balanced through equal & just participation!!
    Posted 28-09-2015 20:04

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