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Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!

by | 11-10-2015 02:04 recommendations 0

Dear Tunza Eco-gen mates,
 On the 10th of October, precisely two weeks prior the International Day of Climate Action, I had the privilege to take part in Goumbouk's (an organisation that works towards a greener environment in the UAE) Tree-Planting Program. 
     I was sent the invite nearly two weeks before the program. For those who are not aware, let me tell you a bit about this noble organisation.
      'Goumbook' is the main reference on green practices for environmentally conscious people and businesses across the UAE and the Gulf region, aiming to reach the entire Middle East?s eco- conscious communities.
       The program I took part in was the ?Give a Ghaf? Tree Planting program. In this program, the organisation plants over 4,000 Ghaf tree seeds in just a few months. 
       This initiative aims to boost awareness on the local ecosystem, protecting fauna and flora from the dangers or desertification, mass construction, water depletion and extinction.
     In my belief, the UAE serves as a conducive environment for the growth of Ghaf trees.Because of its extensive tap root system, it stabilizes shifting sand dunes and is also useful as a windbreak and in forestation of dry areas. It also requires less water during the growth period making it ideal for a region like UAE and even other Middle-Eastern countries.
     Firstly, we filled up a pot with sufficient soil, dug a hole in the centre of the soil (about as deep as the length of the index finger), and gently planted the seeds. I planted 3 tree seeds while my sister planted another 3. 
   Despite the stifling and scorching heat of the summer in Dubai(though we are approaching the end of the season), the program was fruitful and the experience was enriching all in all. 
     Planting a tree is the first and the greatest leap in becoming a true eco-warrior. The program had surely inculcated in all participants a greater sense of environmentalism and concern for Mother Earth:)
Thanks for reading:)
P.S There were strict rules on promotion of any organization. Hence, I could not wear the Tunza tshirt.
Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!Tree Planting-Taking the first step towards Climate Action!

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  • says :
    @Anagha-Yes, it was awesome. Thanks for the comment:)
    Posted 14-10-2015 19:37

  • says :
    @Bindu-Thanks for the encouragement:)
    Posted 14-10-2015 19:36

  • says :
    I too had taken part in the event. It was just awesome!
    The dedication of the members of this organization is truly appreciable! Thanks for the info!
    Posted 13-10-2015 20:18

  • says :
    Wow! so happy to see your active participation in Ghaf tree plantation activity organized by Goumbook organization.
    keep up your green spirit dear Manav friend :)
    Posted 13-10-2015 14:01

  • says :
    @Anishka-Thanks for the comment, sis :)
    Posted 13-10-2015 02:36

  • Anishka Jha says :
    Great job!! :)
    Posted 12-10-2015 21:21

  • says :
    @Harmajot-Tree planting is the very spirit of environmentalism. Thanks for the valuable feedback:)
    Posted 12-10-2015 20:19

  • says :
    Posted 12-10-2015 20:18

  • says :
    @Rahul-Thank you for your appreciation:)
    Posted 12-10-2015 20:17

  • says :
    Planting trees is simple yet the most effective way to fight environmental pollution and degradation.Great job and keep it up Manav.
    Posted 12-10-2015 19:48

  • says :
    Wow a great Noble deed Manav. Ghaf Tree planting in UAE is real gift to the nature.
    Posted 12-10-2015 14:59

  • says :
    Kudos to your effort. Planting trees is one of teh bestwat to sequestrate carbon. Aweosme!!! Manav
    Posted 12-10-2015 13:37

  • says :
    @Luiz- Thanks Luiz:)
    Posted 12-10-2015 01:41

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great job Manav!!! I am proud of you!!! Keep the spirit! =D
    Posted 12-10-2015 00:23

  • says :
    @Arushi Thanks for your words of motivation:)
    Posted 11-10-2015 19:25

  • says :
    @Rohan Thanks for your feedback:)
    Posted 11-10-2015 19:24

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Tree plantation is the most efficient and best way to mitigate climate change. So happy that you did it . Thanks for sharing , Manav.
    Posted 11-10-2015 16:23

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done Manav. Tree planting is a noble activity & Ghaf tree is the national tress of UAE. I think this is the best activity. It looks great to see your tree grow.
    The pics are lovely, Keep it up.
    Posted 11-10-2015 14:10

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