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Game Theory and Sustainable Behaviour

by | 13-10-2015 11:57 recommendations 0

Firstly, I am Thankful to Raja Timilsina for the time and giving us the opportunities to host this mind boogling and incredible event. I am also thankful to my own club Leo Club of Chitwan Central and my whole leo family for the awesome participations. It gives me immense pleasure to share my report with you all Eco Generations.

 You  20  25  40  45  50  55  60  65  70
Partner  70  60  60  50  40  30  20  10  0
Our dynamic resource person Raja Timilsina, who hail from Kochi Institute of Technology, said select a number and your and partner?s choice will affect each other. ?Partner? we got all confused. To fan out this cloud of confusion, he told,? Dear fellow, your partner is unknown.? This time we were in swinging in our thoughts what number to select.

We were at complete risk. Because of the mutual effect, any results were possible. Selecting of 70 would give us secure our position while completely dwindling our partner and securing other numbers didn?t seem viable. This was our dilemma whether to trust our partner or secure our position thyself.  

Without further explanation of our previous game, we entered into another section.

Again, we were divided into group consisting of four member each. Fun Fact: This time too we didn?t know who were our partner. ?Damn, It much harder than doing final? I murmured.

In this section, each group were given token of 120 points. Each member in a group could select any points they like but that should be below 120. The selection of the points was individual preference (no group discussion).  We were informed that each group member's points will be summed up and those having points more than 120 will be eliminated from the game. And for those having points less than 120 will enter to next rounds. In addition, remaining point of that group will also be increased by 50%. As an instance, if total points of group were 120, its ?GAME OVER? for them. But if total points were 100 than remaining 20 points will be increased by 50% i.e token becomes  30 now.Then team enters into next round with 30 token.

Surprisingly, out of 8 group only one group were able to enter the next round. Guess whose Group was that??? Absolutely right my friend. It was my group :D We were able to reach upto 4 round.


►First Game was all about proself and pro society. Those scoring more for unknown partner is ?Pro Society? society is important for the person. While those securing more for oneself is ?Pro Self?. For the person, individual space, individual preference were of prominent importance.

►The second game was all about the utilization of resources. Entering next round clearly refers to how much will we sustainablly use resources. Speaking as Environmentalist, it means how secure will our next generation be if power is on our hand. This also refers to our existence in society(group) where we live people (group member) but we don't know how they are utilizing the resources. where we don?t even know our group member.

The Game was about Economics? Game Theory. However this has paramount importance in our daily life. Even though we were assured that there will be 50% increment in resources, we greedy human consumed everything right now and right for ourselves. We even didn?t care we could benefit a lot and yield higher in next round despite being clearly informed. This is general paradigm of consumption everywhere.

This common behavior of today?s mechanized-technology-filled post modern Homo Sapiens is likely to create havoc in coming days. We don't know each other. We don't know how we are utilizing the resources. We are greedy, we are hungry for money, for possession, for power and for wealth which will vanish soon. We lust for such thing without giving slight heck to what will happen to our future generation. Continuing in this track is sure to full stop our glorious human civilization.

May be this was small game. But I am wide awake now how we make choices, why we are being resource gobbler when we clearly know such behavior won't sustain. In most of participants they mentioned ?Even if I take more points, some other might take less. Thus, making a balance?. And see the aftermath.

So when UN has also galvanized support for Sustainable Development Goals, Time has come my dear friends to think for other as well, to become ?Pro Society? and use the resource optimally. Because the nature will rejuvenate by only 2-3%.

Others may not but you should.

PS Pictures will be uploaded very soon 

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  • says :
    Tons of thanks Rohan.
    Posted 23-10-2015 16:12

  • says :
    Thank you Luiz and Harmanjot
    Posted 23-10-2015 16:11

  • says :
    Thank you so much Konstantinos for reading. Exactly c operations always wins
    Posted 23-10-2015 16:09

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well reported Rahul.
    The introduction of game in environment is interesting. I'm happy that you handled the twists in the game aptly as you take care of the environment as a responsible ambassador.
    Posted 19-10-2015 12:59

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Wow!!! It seems cool!!! Games can be a great tool for environmental awareness!!! Thanks a lot for sharing mate!!! =D
    Posted 17-10-2015 11:36

  • says :
    Interesting game and at the same time informative.I am glad you made it to next rounds.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 15-10-2015 00:20

  • says :
    Such great and educating game! It is courageous to see that your team passed to the next rounds there is a hope that more people like you will make the right decisions about Earth's future. It's very interesting to see that cooperation yields more than selfishness.
    Posted 14-10-2015 22:00

  • says :
    Thanks for the comment Joshua
    Posted 14-10-2015 14:35

  • says :
    Thank you Deepak Bro!!!
    Posted 14-10-2015 14:22

  • says :
    Hehe thank you Arushi!!!
    Posted 14-10-2015 14:22

  • says :
    There is only one Earth and we have no back up. I think you are a smart thinker with this game. Nice one
    Posted 14-10-2015 08:53

  • says :
    An amazing game :)
    Posted 13-10-2015 20:36

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What an innovative, fun-filled and thoughtful way to inspire participants about resource consumption & caring for society. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. Congrats for winning/reaching till 4th round .
    Posted 13-10-2015 13:18

  • says :
    Surely, It was kinda new experience even though I had some idea of Game theory. But Never knew there will be so much twist in game hehe
    Posted 13-10-2015 13:03

  • says :
    Wow! This is entirely a new kind of game I ever knew. I am sure you had a great time in Economics Game Theory. For sure brother we should use our resources efficiently and economically as we won't get next Earth :)
    Thank you for sharing your experience dear brother :)
    Posted 13-10-2015 12:46

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