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Message to the world!

by | 20-10-2015 18:47 recommendations 0

  Last month I had opportunity to visit "Au Cap" primary school in Seychelles I manage to meet with energetic and skilled students with much concern to sustainable development. After a long discussion and question and answer series they ask me to deliver their massage to the world as follow.Au Cap

Global governments should make sure that there are good environmental policies that ensure every individual action is controlled and regulated on the use of destructive items such as plastic food disposals, burning of the forest and plastics.discussion
Global citizens and industries should stop throwing harmful waste such as chemicals and plastics to the sea and coastal areas because most of the sea creatures suffer from these harmful waste, for example Sea turtles dies in the sea when they stuck in the abandoned fishnets due to lack of oxygen.
Every individual in cooperation with the government institutions should play a great role on ensuring environmental sustainability is achieved and observed.
People should ensure that their surrounding areas are clean and well preserved, as some of the students share their stories on how they play a great role to ensure that their home gardens looks healthy and fresh by removing dead leaves and snails from their gardens.Hence everyone at home should play a role

and take part to conserve our environment.Au Cap
Lastly, we discussed about volunteering of which most of the students responded positively and gave their concerns on how volunteering can lead to healthy environment, For example  one of the student said that "For those who live in the coastal areas they should collect all the trash around the sea shores to avoid them to enter into the sea.Au Cap


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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Well done, Justine. Their actions could make a huge difference as there are more children and adults. Plus, children are more willing to do volunteer work. Simple things could make a huge difference. Keep up the good work Justine!
    Posted 28-10-2015 22:45

  • says :
    Thank you so much all for your wonderful comments. Let's keep on doing great things and actions for our environment :)
    Posted 26-10-2015 14:26

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Lovely!!! :D It's so impressive our Ambassadors visit another region and spread the messages in the local communities! Thanks for sharing and keep going, Justine!
    Posted 26-10-2015 09:55

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a sweet photos mate!!! Great job!!! Keep the ggreen spirit!!! =)
    Posted 24-10-2015 09:17

  • says :
    So happy to see you creating awareness among the youth by interacting with them.Keep up the good work!
    Posted 23-10-2015 16:49

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Justine, I'm moved by the message of kids to the mature world outside. They must act positively so that sustainability be assured.
    Volunteering is an integral part here. By their own actions very strong messages may be delivered.
    Posted 21-10-2015 17:59

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good job , Justine. Glad to know that these students are concerned about environment. With their interest in sustainable development and volunteering , they are sure the promising leaders of tomorrow and eco warriors of today. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 21-10-2015 16:45

  • says :
    Well conducted Justine. Spreading the eco awareness to young students is a long term investment
    Posted 21-10-2015 15:32

  • says :
    Dear Justine, so so happy to see you dressed in Tunza's amazing T- shirt and interacting with students of primary school, spreading their messages. Elated to know that students were positive about volunteering. I am sure they would be environmental leaders in near future.
    Keep up your spirit dear :)
    Posted 21-10-2015 14:19

  • says :
    Good work
    Good to be part of a generation which is concern about the sustainaability of the environment
    Posted 20-10-2015 20:52

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