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UAE's Efforts towards Climate Change Mitigation

by | 26-10-2015 20:13 recommendations 0

           France will host the 21st United Nations climate conference, known as COP21 in the first week of December this year. The conference is crucial as it would lead to a universal agreement  that will limit the rise in average global temperatures to 2 degrees Celsius.

Whole world is once again focusing on the global challenge of climate change. UAE has an impressive track record of leadership solutions to reduce emissions and generate economic and social opportunities. Abu Dhabi Ascent held in May in 2014 was a significant marker for global efforts to tackle emission targets for a greener planet. ?UAE initiative to hold the summit is a concrete contribution?, - Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General.


The effort of UAE in mitigating the climate change is exemplified by its renewable energy company MASDAR.  Through Masdar, Abu Dhabi is providing the economic, social and environmental benefits of sustainability. UAE is a true energy leader by combining its hydrocarbon exports with renewable power. Through the development of mega-wind and solar projects, the UAE now delivers nearly 1 gigawatt of clean energy to international markets.

RENEWABLE ENERGY is making its foray remarkably in the sustainable projects of UAE. Even though UAE lacks many of the renewable energy resources, like hydroelectric power or tidal power and biomass, is significantly very low. However, UAE has an abundance of ample sunshine.

Abu Dhabi has set a renewable energy target which it expects to meet largely through solar power, and 2010 has seen work begin on one of the world?s largest concentrating solar power plants. We are also developing geothermal cooling at Masdar City. New energy investments have been made by the government. Shams 1, one of the world?s largest solar- power projects gives power to more than 20,000 homes. Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park is under development and  extensive public transport systems is in the process in the region. In the last six years UAE?s public transport has proliferated with the increase in the fleet of Buses, ferry and coming up of  metro and  tram.



The UAE?s commitment to a more diverse energy portfolio is also demonstrated by the construction of four nuclear facilities in the Western Region. These nuclear power plants, which will emit zero carbon emissions, will meet about 25 per cent of the UAE?s energy demand with safe, clean and reliable electricity by 2020.


Energy efficiency is the order of the day. It not only helps to mitigate climate change, but is also crucial for maintaining economic competitiveness 

With its vast natural gas and petroleum resources, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a veritable energy gold mine. Nevertheless, the country is investing heavily in the development of new sustainability concepts. Since January 2014, one of the city's buildings in particular has been offering a preview of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient life in the desert — the new Siemens headquarters for the Middle East, which has received LEED Platinum certification for its outstanding energy efficiency.


These projects demonstrate the UAE?s shift towards an economy that will enhance job creation, boost human capital and reduce our environmental impact. UAE?s leadership has the foresight and focus to address immediate and long-term climate issues. Middle East has a long history of political turmoil as well as economic and political volatility around the world, exposing it to major challenges. Nevertheless, UAE is focused and working towards achieving a more sustainable and secure economy. UAE?s sustainable vision is the foundation of it strong partnership with UN in mitigating climate change.

Credit—Gulf News, Masdar Wikipedia, www.mofa.gov.ae, Siemens.com




UAE's Efforts towards Climate Change MitigationUAE's Efforts towards Climate Change Mitigation

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    UEA always doing great for environment. Thanks for sharing mate. Keep the green spirit. =)
    Posted 29-10-2015 12:52

  • says :
    @Bindu-Thanks for your comment:)
    Posted 27-10-2015 19:37

  • says :
    @Arushi Thanks for your valuable comment:)
    Posted 27-10-2015 19:36

  • says :
    @Rohan-Indeed, Rohan. UAE has made persistant efforts towards climatic change mitigation.
    Posted 27-10-2015 19:35

  • says :
    Well detailed report dear Manav :) So glad to know the innovative and sustainable efforts of UAE especially in energy sector. Hats off to the commitment :)
    Posted 27-10-2015 11:12

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Well compiled, Manav. UAE is indeed putting in it's best efforts to mitigate climate change.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 27-10-2015 00:59

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well shared, Manav. UAE's leadership is focused to mitigate the effects of climate change.
    Posted 26-10-2015 21:14

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