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Mass Transportation Vehicle for Greener Future

by | 29-10-2015 15:42 recommendations 0

Couple of weeks ago, I visited Nagoya city, a city in the heart of Japan. At that time, my friends and me together visited a museum. This museum name is SCMaglev and Railway Park. This museum has been opened since 14 March 2011. It shows Japanese train over time, from the oldest one to the most sophisticated bullet train, Shinkansen. Japan is strongly considering their transportation system because good transportation gives them easy access to reach many places and they can their job in the effective time and comfortable journey as well.

There, I found something interesting about Japanese train. In the corner of the museum, I saw an information board which has those interesting fact, The Shinkansen, An Ecofriendly Vehicle. Then I felt curious, why shinkansen is not only bullet train, but also Ecofriendly vehicle. It such a great combination. In the information board, even its written all in Japanese, they can make me understand just by seeing the diagram.  It provides three poins as follow:

  • Railway is environmental friendly vehicle.

They compare the CO2 emission which is produced by several kinds of vehicle such as bus, air plane, and private car. And train has the lowest carbon emission though.

  • The Shinkansen is an environmentally superior transportation system.

Comparing to the airplane, the common used mass and long distance transportation, shinkansen even only produces 1 per 12 of air plane carbon emission.

  •  The shinkansen continues to evolve better energy efficiency.

From the first shinkansen at 1964 until its fourth generation in the 2007, the energy usage is getting decreased. They develop the speed along with the energy efficiency development.

Now, this bullet train is not available in all countries, but it possible, because of its promising energy efficiency, in the future this kind of bullet train can become a popular vehicle. And I optimist that in the future, people get realizing how important environment, how important reducing CO2, how important saving energy, so that mass public transportation will also get developed to build a greener Earth.

Japanese ShinkansenJapanese ShinkansenJapanese ShinkansenJapanese Shinkansen

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  • says :
    Hi Luiz,, yeah,, thanks..
    Posted 01-11-2015 08:51

  • says :
    Hi Bindu.. your welcome.. Hope all nepali feel not suffering due to fuel crisis anymore..
    Posted 01-11-2015 08:50

  • says :
    Hi Rohan, yes it is.. They show bullet train which is not small, right? I also agree with your comment.. Thanks
    Posted 01-11-2015 08:49

  • says :
    Hi Manav, thanks a lot for reading.. :)
    Posted 01-11-2015 08:48

  • says :
    Hi Arushi, thanks.. I hope so. I learned many things here and I hope I can develop my home country once I go back home..
    Posted 01-11-2015 08:48

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    It is amazing when obeserving the evolution of transportation. How we developed!! I hope that we can do it more and more in a sustainable way with clean evergy =) Thanks for sharing mate. Keep the green spirit! =D
    Posted 31-10-2015 01:05

  • says :
    Dear Mukhlish, wow! interesting to know about Shinkansen, An Eco friendly Vehicle. Energy efficient and sustainable system of Transportation. Nepal is in need of eco- friendly vehicles as people are suffering a lot from fuel crisis these days.
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 30-10-2015 13:44

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Mukhlish, the Japanese museum seems huge. Nice pics.
    They are indeed sustainable & less energy intensive. Same like Dubai Metro. Its emissions are quite less.
    Agreed, that bullet trains must be introduced throughout the world. The sustainability factor will contribute for energy savings.
    Posted 29-10-2015 21:10

  • says :
    Its good to know that Japan is vigilant on the C02 emissions of different forms of transport. Thanks for the interesting report:)
    Posted 29-10-2015 19:36

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's interesting to read about Shinkansen- an environmentally superior transportation system in Japan. This is the best example of sustainable development. It is one of the fastest train , at the same time energy efficient and has been so successful. I hope other countries also develop such eco-friendly mass transport system. Thanks for sharing, Mukhlish.
    Posted 29-10-2015 18:44

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