Fuel Crisis and Risk to Forests of Nepal |
Fuel crisis 2015 in Nepal began on September and has halted every sector making people's life terrible. There is no/only minimal supply of the essentials like rice, pulse cooking oil resulting in hike of their prices also there is no supply of crucial supplies including medicines. The problems people are facing due to fuel crisis currently are numerous. And among them one major possible problem seems to be deforestation. Nepal is known globally for its forest and during last decades it's recognized for success in conservation of forests through community forestry program. According to ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation the rate of forest shrinkage was 17% per annum in 1978 which decreased to o.6% in 2000. However, after the two massive Earthquakes in Nepal the forests of Nepal fulfilled the need of timber for reconstruction and construction related industries. And at present the forests of the country seems to be at great risk if the soar in fuel crisis keeps on continuing. The high dependence of the urban residents on LPG and kerosene makes the situation even worse. The rural people use kerosene and fuel wood (59% coming from the forest). Only 0.56% of people use renewable resources like biogas. All these make the forest of Nepal vulnerable while we only have limited options. It's sad to know that, there are already illegal loggings in Terai districts of Nepal. According to a national daily Community members in Rautahat, Nepal have seized more than 150 bicycles which were being used to illegally collect the firewood. Forest Director General Resham Dangi said "Because we have no mobility (no patrolling due to lack of fuel), timber smuggling has increased mainly from the forests of Terai near Indian border."
Forests are essential to maintain the planet 'alive'. I hope Nepal gov and citizens can find out solution and create strategies to solve it.
Posted 01-11-2015 09:23
It's sad to realise Nepal's fuel crisis and the problems common man is facing due to it's impact on daily commodities. Worse to know is that deforestation is increasing in this chaos. You rightly said that Nepal is known globally for its forest and during last decades it's recognized for success in conservation of forests . Let's hope that this crisis gets over soon so that forests no longer have to be cut. Ultimately , crisis like this reminds us to stop /reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and implement more and more of renewable/clean energy.
Thanks for sharing, Take care, Alina.
Posted 01-11-2015 08:13
Aptly reported Alina, we must use the limited resources to the fullest & must avoid damage to Forests.
I hope & pray that Nepal finds the way out of this fuel shortage & temporary crisis.
Posted 31-10-2015 18:27
Truly stated, fuel crisis has been a major problem here in Nepal. Although it has many disadvantages we can sense some green revolution, people opting for green solution. Glad to see that .
Great report Alina.
Posted 31-10-2015 16:34