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Indonesia and Climate Change

by | 31-10-2015 23:12 recommendations 0

Indonesia is the world's fifth largest greenhouse gases emitter, due to deforestation, peatland draining, forest and land fires, as well being as a significant producer, exporter and consumer of fossil fuels. This year, the world worst climate crisis, forest fires, are happening in Indonesia. It come up with both social and ecological consequences, as Indonesia's forests are home to thousands of plant and animal species, and 50-60 million Indonesians depend directly on the forests for their livelihoods.


At the same time, Indonesia has been identified as one of the most vulnerable Asian countries in the face of climate change (Measey, 2010) . As an archipelago nation with population concentrated along coastlines, Indonesia's major cities and coastal communities are vulnerable to rising sea levels, worsening floods and unpredictable storms. While in land, droughts and fires, deteriorated by changing weather patterns affect farming and remaining natural forests. It proves that Climate change in Indonesia greatly affects many aspects of the country, including Indonesia?s economy, poor population, human health, and the environment.


The country can play a central role in global climate change mitigation, by conserving and replanting forests, protecting peatlands, and managing fires. This challenge is going to be more and more important for Indonesia in years to come. United Nation agencies in Indonesia are committed to help reverse climate change threats.  Working closely with the Indonesian Government, UN and UNDP have been supporting the Indonesian-Norwegian REDD+ Initiative (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). They provides support to the Government of Indonesia to access and implement its global commitments to reduce deforestation while upholding the rights of local and indigenous people's communities. 

FAO, UNDP and UNEP work together to support REDD activities in Central Sulawesi. UNESCO contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation by working on forest conservation, and carbon-financed forest management and ecosystem restoration. UNESCO also promotes environmental education and climate change awareness through its Green Schools programme, and its Biosphere Reserves for Environmental and Economic Security (BREES) Youth for Sustainable Development Award. Moreover, UNIDO promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Energy diversification efforts are on the move by constructing solar cell power plants, increasing the percentage of bio fuel component into the gasoline consumption and encouraging the utilization of geothermal energy for power plants. 

At the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh in September 2007, former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono announced Indonesia's voluntary CO2 emission reduction of 26 percent by 2020 and of 41 percent with international assistance. How to achieve the target? About 52 percent of carbon emission reductions will be made in Indonesian forests and peat lands. In the meantime, two other potential Indonesian CO2 emission reduction components which are mangroves and sea grasses — dubbed Blue Carbon (absorb more carbon than terrestrial forest), are also available to meet the targeted objectives. 


Measey, M. (2010). Indonesia: A Vulnerable Country in theIndonesia: A Vulnerable Country in the Face of Climate Change . Global Majority E-Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1 , 31-45.

United Nations. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN CLIMATE CHANGE. Retrieved 10 24, 2015, from www.un.or.id/en/what-we-do/partnership-for-development/climate-change#gkBottom1-5


Source: http://blog.cifor.org/31112/indonesian-mangroves-special-cut-emissions-not-mangroves-indonesias-best-hope-for-slowing-climate-change?fnl=en

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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    These fires are savaging & they take us back by many generations, Ni Putu. Its' a big challenge, All these international agencies like UN have to work in close tandem with Indonesian authorities to mitigate the climate change.
    Posted 01-11-2015 20:12

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    That is bad news! I am sorry for that mate. By the way, it is great that you have got support from UN. Keep sharing! =)
    Posted 01-11-2015 09:07

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's really sad to read various reports about Indonesian fires and their impacts so severe. Glad to know that United Nation agencies in Indonesia are committed and are working closely with the Indonesian Government to help reverse climate change threats.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 01-11-2015 08:47

  • says :
    Although Indonesia has a great problem, it is great to see that many organizations are working together to mitigate the problem. Change in different aspect from local to administrative level is required to combat this serious issues.
    Good report Ni Putu Wulan Romianingsih
    Posted 01-11-2015 00:59

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