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Recycle-Thon 3 with my Building Mates

by Rohan Kapur | 07-11-2015 05:32 recommendations 0

I am carrying on a Green Initiative named Serve The Earth. It is for serving our mother Earth for 3 R s Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Here I Motivate, Encourage & organize various eco-events. One of such initiatives is Recycle-Thon. Under the Patronage of Beeah, Sharjah & support of Tunza Eco-Generation various competitions are organized. They are for collection & deposit of maximum amount of recyclables. On an agreed date all participants bring the various recyclables like Plastic Bottles, Aluminium Cans, Paper etc. that they have collected over a period of time. The maximum contributor is given Trophy & certificates & Goody Bags from Beeah & promotion goods of Tunza Eco-Generation are distributed to all the participants.


Upon successful completion of our earlier two Recycle-Thons children were enthusiastically awaiting another event, where they may submit the recyclables collected with them. Considering the ensuing Diwali Festival & space constraints some children expressed their desire to submit the recyclables collected with them. They were my building mates & from neighborhood. I understood their concern & with the consent of Beeah organized a mini Recycle-Thon on 06-Nov-15.


Along with this I also planned to tell them about Tunza Eco-Generation so that awareness may be spread & they can interact & observe the efforts of their peers all over the world. I had the promotion goods & a video ready to be shown to them. In this interactive video I explained about this amazing platform & encourage others to join Tunza Eco-Generation. The link of the video is given below:



One-by one the participants arrived. They brought a big amount of Paper, Plastic Bottles & Cans. One Girl Nooper was so dedicated that she collected the obsolete pamphlets of the institute she was attending. It was about to be thrown when she collected all the bunch & carefully preserved it to be handed over in this event. 

I was overwhelmed by their dedication & promised them that each month we will hold this event & award medals to the winners of maximum contribution. As they submitted the stuff & gave them promotion goods of Tunza Eco-Generation, explained them & promoted Tunza Eco-Generation with them, presented a Goody bag sponsored by Beeah & then showed my video.


The overwhelming response may be judged by the amount contributed by them:

1. Resham & Nooper: 160 KG of News Paper, 10.50 KG of Plastic Bottles & .50 KG of Cans

2. Kunal: 8 KG Plastic Bottles, 4 KG Cans

3. Komal: 8.50 KG Plastic Bottles, 3.50 KG of Cans

4. Anish & Amit: 8 KG Plastic Bottles, 2 KG of Cans

5. Amar: 1 KG Plastic Bottles, 6 KG of Cans

6. My Weekly Contribution 350 Plastic Bottles


Friends you are aware that one Can weighs 15 Gram & Plastic Bottle 11 Gram. This implies our total collection from neighbourhood was:


Plastic Bottles 2,350

Cans: 800 No.s

Newspaper 160 KG

Other recyclable Plastic 10KG


A simple event attended by a few participants can bring so much recyclable than imagine how huge is the potential of recycling in this world? You may all organize such events in your neighbourhood & submit the collected recyclables with the local recycling centre. This will be your best contribution for reducing the carbon foot print & making the Mother Earth Smile.


Thanks for reading.


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  • Dormant user Rohan Kapur
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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Vinicius, Thanks for your Congratulating Comments.
    Posted 27-11-2015 15:29

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Anisha, Thanks for your warm Comments.
    Posted 27-11-2015 15:28

  • says :
    Great work, congratulations!
    Posted 25-11-2015 08:41

  • says :
    Great work keep it up

    Posted 16-11-2015 23:24

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @ Raunak, Thanks Bro.
    Posted 08-11-2015 21:27

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @ Bindu, Many thanks for carefully reading my reports. This commitment means a lot to me.
    Posted 08-11-2015 21:27

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Luiz, Thanks for your kind wishes
    Posted 08-11-2015 21:26

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Harmanjot, Thanks for your comments.
    Posted 08-11-2015 21:26

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @ Arushi, Sure agreed & Thanks a lot.
    Posted 08-11-2015 21:25

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @ Rajashree, Thanks a lot for your Comments.
    Posted 08-11-2015 21:24

  • says :
    Dear Rohan, I am so proud to go through your reports each time :)
    I am much glad to know that even few people have collected so much of recyclables and committed to continue it in the coming days too. Keep up your efforts dear Rohan.
    Posted 08-11-2015 19:50

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I am very proud of you Rohan!! You are doing great!!! =D
    Posted 08-11-2015 08:24

  • says :
    I agree That Recycling is a very good practice for the environment.Great job,Go Green!
    Posted 08-11-2015 04:58

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Let's recycle and accomplish near zero waste to landfill. Keep it up, Rohan.
    Posted 08-11-2015 02:14

  • says :
    Great initiative Rohan !
    Posted 08-11-2015 01:10

  • says :
    Very well conducted Rohan. This has killed Three birds with one Stone: First is that recyclables are not added to the land fills they are given to Bee'ah for recycling. Second benefit is that They are motivated & encouraged for further collections, rather monthly basis & Most Important our Dear Tunza Eco-Generation platform has again been promoted among other peers. They are all motivated young students & are likely to join & campaign for making The Mother earth Smile.
    Brilliant, Keep it up!
    Posted 07-11-2015 05:41

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