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Should Life become a threat?

by | 10-11-2015 07:10 recommendations 0

Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is caused by number of factors. Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities, depletion of precious resources are few of the causes which results in overpopulation. It is possible for a sparsely populated area to become densely populated if it is not able to sustain life. Overpopulation is a serious problem especially in Africa where population is increasing in an exponential rate. Cameroon being a country in Africa is also suffering from this problem of overpopulation which is becoming a global concern.

Growing advances in technology with each coming year has affected humanity in many ways. One of these has been the ability to save lives and create better medical treatment for all. A direct result of this has been increased lifespan and the growth of the population. In the past fifty or so years, the growth of population has boomed and has turned into overpopulation. In the history of our species, the birth and death rate have always been able to balance each and maintain a population growth rate that is sustainable. There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon of Overpopulation which are as follows:

Decline in the Death Rate: At the root of overpopulation is the difference between the overall birth rate and death rate in populations. If the number of children born each year equals the number of adults that die, then the population will stabilize. Talking about overpopulation shows that while there are many factors that can increase the death rate for short periods of time, the ones that increase the birth rate do so over a long period of time. The discovery of agriculture by our ancestors was one factor that provided them with the ability to sustain their nutrition without hunting. This created the first imbalance between the two rates. Added to that, Technological advance in the domain of medicine helped reduce the number of death. Since, people are now treated and have better chances to survive to diseases, they tend to live longer thus increasing the population. Vaccines against many diseases are discovered every day.

Immigration: Many people prefer to move to developed countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia where best facilities are available in terms of medical, education, security and employment. The end result is that those people settle over there and those places become overcrowded. Difference between the number of people who are leaving the country and the number of people who enter narrows down which leads to more demand for food, clothes, energy and homes. This gives rise to shortage of resources. Though the overall population remains the same, it just affects the density of population making that place simply overcrowded. Cameroon is one of the peaceful countries in Africa, so due to the insecure nature of some countries, people tend to immigrate to Cameroon, in order to find a peaceful life. Cameroon has many refugee camps which offer homes to immigrated people. Today, the population of Cameroon is rising in an exponential rate.

Lack of Family Planning: Most developing nations have large number of people who are illiterate, live below the poverty line and have little or no knowledge about family planning. Getting their children married at an early age increase the chances of producing more kids. Those people are unable to understand the harmful effects of overpopulation and lack of ignorance prompts them to avoid family planning measures. I will like to tell you that precisely in my tradition, Prestige depends on the number of children we have, so for a person to own a prestigious position in the society, he needs to have many wives and as a result of this, many children. Prestige is a key element in the life of an African, and his number of wives and children determines his position in the society.


As an issue, Overpopulation surely brings a lot of effects both on man and the environment, they include:

Depletion of Natural Resources: The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. The first of these is the depletion of resources. The Earth can only produce a limited amount of water and food, which is falling short of the current needs. Most of the environmental damage being seen in the last fifty odd years is because of the growing number of people on the planet. They are cutting down forests, hunting wildlife in a reckless manner, causing pollution and creating a host of problems. Those engaged in talking about overpopulation have noticed that acts of violence and aggression outside of a war zone have increased tremendously while competing for resources.

Conflicts and Wars: Overpopulation in developing countries puts a major strain on the resources it should be utilizing for development. Conflicts over water are becoming a source of tension between countries, which could result in wars. It causes more diseases to spread and makes them harder to control. Starvation is a huge issue facing the world and the mortality rate for children is being fuelled by it. Poverty is the biggest hallmark we see when talking about overpopulation. All of this will only become worse if solutions are not sought out for the factors affecting our population. We can no longer prevent it, but there are ways to control it.

Rise in Unemployment: When a country becomes overpopulated, it gives rise to unemployment as there fewer jobs to support large number of people. Rise in unemployment gives rise to crime as people will steal various items to feed their family and provide them basic amenities of life.

Many solutions can be brought about to efficiently fight against Overpopulation, There are many of them but we will choose some:

Making People Aware of Family Planning: As population of this world is growing at a rapid pace, raising awareness among people regarding family planning and letting them know about serious after effects of overpopulation can help curb population growth. One of the best way is to let them know about various safe sex techniques and contraceptives methods available to avoid any unwanted pregnancy.

Better Education: One of the first measures is to implement policies reflecting social change. Educating the masses helps them understand the need to have one or two children at the most. Families that are facing a hard life and choose to have four or five children should be discouraged. Family planning and efficient birth control can help in women making their own reproductive choices. Open dialogue on abortion and voluntary sterilization should be seen when talking about overpopulation.

Today, the Cameroon Government is trying to fight against Overpopulation by creating settlements where people can live, This phenomenon is dropping progressively and we hope this can be stopped efficiently.

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  • says :
    Very important and complex issue
    Posted 25-11-2015 01:26

  • says :
    yes overpopulation is major issue of every country

    Posted 16-11-2015 23:29

  • says :
    Just by reading the first paragraph, it really made me think about these issues.... Not a lot of people think that overpopulation can be categorized in relation to environmental issues, but, yes it is certainly huge issue and we all should pay attentiion to it and let people know!
    Posted 13-11-2015 01:31

  • says :
    Yes, overpopulation is major issue. We all Tunza ambassadors need to write to our local government to take action.
    Posted 12-11-2015 10:23

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    The rising population degrades environment & its' a major challenge in recent years. Well reported, Djonrewang.
    Posted 11-11-2015 20:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Issue very well raised, Djonrewang. Overpopulation is the biggest threat and challenge faced by world today. You rightly listed the consequences of over-population on man and environment.
    Posted 11-11-2015 03:01

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