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Government's effort to Mitigate Climate Change in Nigeria.

by | 12-11-2015 09:14 recommendations 0

In recent times, the Nigerian government has taken pragmatic steps to mitigate climate change in the country. Firstly, the problem of desert encroachment and erosion has posed serious threat to  agriculture and wildlife resources in the Northern region of the country. The great green wall project by the African Union was to cover over 20 countries.

The Great green wall project was developed by the African Union to address the detrimental social, economic and environmental impacts of land degradation and desertification in the Sahel and the Sahara. It was implemented March, 2015 in eleven frontline States of Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe, Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara, Katsina, Kano, Jigawa, Yobe and Borno. It coverd 43 LGAs in the frontline states to be covered to rehabilitate 225,000 Ha of lands. establishment of  green wall or shelterbelt from Kebbi State to Borno State, a distance of 1,500 km and 15 km wide.

The advantages of the project ranges Community Sensitization & Mobilization, promotion of alternative sources of energy, promotion of alternative means of livelihoods and promotion of dryland agricultural technology.

Furthermore, the Nigerian government spent N9billion for the distribution of 750, 000 Clean Cook Stoves and 18,000 Wonder bags to Nigerians, in a bid to stop the depletion of forest resources caused by indiscriminate felling of trees.

According to scientists, each Wonder bag can prevent the emission of half a ton of carbon dioxide a year, and could save a poor family a tenth of their income by cutting fuel costs.

To sum up, committees has been set up within the House of Assembly and the Ministry of Environment,  to look into pragmatic ways by which environmental challenges can be tackled throughout the federation.

map showing the Northern part of Nigeriaeco-friendly cooking stoveregion covered by the great green wall an example of a wonder bag

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    That is a very nice invention! I happy on know that gov is working out to develop that. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 14-11-2015 06:41

  • says :
    I believe that God is in control. May He continue to help us improve and become a better country.
    Posted 14-11-2015 01:17

  • says :
    It is good to know that the government of Nigeria is putting measures in place to mitigate climate change. Such efforts are commendable and should be sustained. Thanks for the report Olamide.
    Posted 13-11-2015 21:35

  • says :
    Very good step by Nigerian Govt.This will indeed help the environment.Thanks for the report.
    Posted 13-11-2015 16:29

  • says :
    Thank you all, I'm grateful... we will continue the campaign for a better and safer environment for posterity's sake.
    Posted 13-11-2015 08:32

  • says :
    'The Great Green Wall' sounds so fancy :) It's so nice to hear the government's efforts, I would like to see the good outcome as well :D thank you for sharing!
    Posted 13-11-2015 01:11

  • says :
    This is great. Buhari is really transforming Nigeria other African countries should learn from his leadership. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 12-11-2015 23:10

  • says :
    Dear Olamide, I have heard about this Wonder Bag previously also and it's wonderful. It is a happy news to see Nigerian government trying its best to prevent deforestation and ultimately combating climate change.
    Thank you for sharing dear Olamide :)
    Posted 12-11-2015 20:22

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing Nigerian government's efforts to mitigate climate change. Glad to know about African Union's 'Great Green Wall Project' assuring multiple advantages .
    Clean Cook Stove and Wonder Bag are great concepts to stop the depletion of forest resources.
    Posted 12-11-2015 16:46

  • says :
    Good initiatives by Nigerian Government.Thanks for sharing Olamide.
    Posted 12-11-2015 15:33

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I like Clean cook stove & Wounder bag concept by the Niregian Govt. Such initiatives are really effective for the mass conservation, if each family uses them. Thanks for the report Olamide.
    Posted 12-11-2015 12:57

  • says :
    It is indeed a Great initiative taken by the Nigerian government, and thanks for sharing it Olamide.
    Posted 12-11-2015 12:20

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