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350 Kenya People's Climate March Featuring Nairobi ahead of COP21

by | 26-11-2015 21:23 recommendations 0

The weekend before the Paris climate talks, all around the world people will be coming together in massive global weekend of action that will make sure global heads of state know that the entire world expects them to take nothing less than dramatic action to shut down the fossil fuel industry and build the renewable energy we need.

In Nairobi, the 350 Kenya team in collaboration with Universities and other environmental group will join the Global March by mobilising the youth for stronger voices on a just transition towards 100 % Renewable energy by 2050 and with a demand to protect Lamu region where Kenya government plans to set up a coal fired power-plant. An artistic performance is also planned at the National Theater where the same message will be reiterated.

This march comes at a time when Pope Francis tour to Kenya and Africa coincides with his message of peace and environmentalism.

Pope Francis ,is the first pope to dedicate an entire encyclical letter,Laudato Si', to the environment. He's scheduled to address Nairobi's headquarters of the United Nations tomorrow, where he's widely expected echo his September pitch he made to the UN General Assembly in New York to protect creation.

 This event will mark exactly 20 years since the last time Pope visited Kenya back in the year 1995. Youths from 350 Kenya and various organizations will take part in a tree planting exercise in support of the Pope's encyclical calling on humans to take care of the environment they live in, they will also present a diplomatic statement.



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  • says :
    Thanks for sharing !
    Posted 29-11-2015 12:28

  • says :
    Thanks for your information.
    Posted 28-11-2015 23:32

  • says :
    Thank you for your wonderful comment :-)
    Posted 28-11-2015 11:12

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing the information,Samuel!
    Posted 28-11-2015 04:01

  • says :
    We are also having similar march ^_^ This will be too cool!!!
    Posted 28-11-2015 00:12

  • says :
    Thank you for posting this. Really liked this from you, Samuel!
    Posted 27-11-2015 21:59

  • says :
    Thank you Samuel for the update.See you on Saturday
    Posted 27-11-2015 19:31

  • says :
    We are also organizing the people's climate march at 8 cities of Nepal on 28th November.
    Posted 27-11-2015 16:44

  • says :
    Great one! Let's be part of the local actions

    Posted 27-11-2015 07:04

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Glad to know that movements /march like this are happening to add pressure on global leaders and to tell them that the whole world expects a lot and very realistic outcome from Paris COP21 this time. Thanks for sharing a very relevant information. Let's hope for the best from Paris COP21.
    Posted 27-11-2015 00:52

  • says :
    Thats very interesting to know, its high time we focus more attention on the environment.

    Posted 27-11-2015 00:49

  • says :
    nice information to sharee (y)

    Posted 26-11-2015 23:25

  • says :
    Great to know your preparations, Samuel. Are you going to be part of this event? If yes, do well to share the outcome of the climate march with us. Thanks
    Posted 26-11-2015 23:23

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