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|BRAZIL| The Historical Mega Plantation

by Luiz Bispo | 06-12-2015 10:23 recommendations 0

On 28th November 2015, about 12.000 volunteers left their home and went to a plantation event. 

What a great initiative! It was really impressive when seeing all of those people acting for the same purpose to make a better environment and save the Earth of several negative consequences.

Seedlings were planted around a dam or reservoir. In a short period of time, about 110.000 seedlings of trees were planted. The idea is to restore the area around the dam. In this way, the water quality can be preserved and be more pure. In addition, an ecosystem can be set and animals and plants can be steady in the system.

Some companies such as John Deere and Toyoto supported the event and the campaign of protecting and recovering degraded areas.

Source: EcoDesenvolvimento


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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Jamaica Layos says :
    great pics! :) continue preserving the plantation! :)

    Posted 12-12-2015 14:01

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing, Luiz!
    Posted 09-12-2015 22:14

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is indeed a valiant effort, Luiz. Impressive to the core.
    The pics are great.
    Posted 07-12-2015 15:31

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Prakriti Dhacal, thanks for the message. They did great! =D
    Posted 06-12-2015 23:39

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Rajashree, thanks for the comment! If this kind of event could happen with certain frequency, it could be awesome!!!
    Posted 06-12-2015 23:38

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Arushi, indeed it was massive. I was vey surprised. Thanks for the comment. =)
    Posted 06-12-2015 23:36

  • says :
    We want salute the volunteers
    For planting one lac trees in a day.
    We loved to see their nature care ,
    And the green message they carried away.

    We want salute the twelve hundred Brazilians
    For putting effort on their vacant lands ,
    Besides protecting water, bring back the animals pavilion,
    And greening the yellow soil by their own hands.
    Posted 06-12-2015 17:07

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What a massive plantation. 110,000 seedlings by 12,000 volunteers is a great work towards environment.Thanks for sharing, Luiz.
    Posted 06-12-2015 14:39

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