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|BRAZIL| The Obama's Calling

by Luiz Bispo | 09-12-2015 09:01 recommendations 0

On 7th of December 2015, the president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, received a phone calling from the president of United States of America, Barack Obama.

Obama reinforced the commitment of Brazil towards climate change and its goals established at COP21. Both countries have an ambicious objective. They do not wanna increase the greenhouse gas emissions and so the Earth temperature. For this current century the increasing limit of temperature is for about 2 Celsius.

Moreover, each country have sustainable missions to be set and applied in developing and developed countries. Obama and Rousseff discussesd about that and the responsability regarding the issue.

Hopefully, the commitment taken in COP21 shall be accomplished and people, animals, plants, water source, air, soil etc, will have a better system to sustain themselfs as a treasure of the world. We need to care and we do not have much time. Lets take action, lets get involved, lets smile and lets love.

Even if Obama or Rousseff, do not achieve their goals, we have the power to make the change. Important: BELIEVE IN YOUR POWER!

Source: Blog do Planalto

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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • says :
    Change is possible only when each of us feel responsible and act.Hope every country will be able to fulfill their commitments.Thanks for sharing Luiz. :)
    Posted 11-12-2015 00:14

  • says :
    Climate change in the biggest challenge that our planet is facing today. Hence it is our collective responsibility to combat it.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 10-12-2015 21:02

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing Luiz!!
    Posted 09-12-2015 20:11

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    Everyone should be committed to control and fight against climate change . We ourself should take care of our mother earth .
    Posted 09-12-2015 13:23

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Rightly said , we need to be serious , we need to care and act. Brazil and all other nations reiterating their commitment towards climate change at COP21 have to accomplish their objectives and fight climate change sooner. This can be achieved with active involvement of all the sections of society including the powerful youth. Thanks for the post , Luiz.
    Posted 09-12-2015 11:22

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