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Youth for Environment OR vice versa ?

by | 05-01-2016 18:32 recommendations 0

The concerns of youths in the efforts taken to improve education and raise awareness about environmental protection are essential. Significant effort related to community engagement among youths have been recorded over the past decades, however there are many other underprivileged youth communities who are still lack of sufficient expertise and space to act inhibiting their ability to implement anything on their own.


It is important for youth to be recognized by both local and international agencies such as governing agencies and other decision-making bodies as a legitimate voice concerning issues about out Mother Nature. Youths can easily be empowered resulting in more effective and efficient efforts about environmental protection given with the full collaborative supports from their local government entities and other youth-related agencies particularly. The existing efforts taken by the government may not be adequate to facilitate effective understanding of the concurrent local and global environmental issues. There is a need to improve the quality of education in many schools and other extra-curricular activities across the trans-boundary levels of a nation with respect to enhancing the culture of good environmental awareness among both the young children and working adults.

Communication gaps are prevalent where many youths are not properly informed of the existing and future initiatives for environmental protection which are running within their own neighbouring areas. Utilizing other channels besides solely dependent on the Internet to engage with youths will be definitely able to increase the accessibility of more youths from different socio-economic backgrounds. In fact, there is also a lack of willingness of certain authorities to share vital environmental information with their communities, particularly to the youths. The extent of youth involvement and activities is largely unknown, however this gap can be bridged when there is a proper documentation and information sharing between organizations, government and community groups (specifically to the youths). Furthermore, a lack of collaboration and involvement among youths are observed in most of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives implemented by private entities. These CSR initiatives should be expanded to encourage the active involvement of more communities groups especially youths in the effort to promote environmental conservation and protection issues.

The importance of youth involvement in relation to global environmental issues is visibly seen after the devastating earthquake took place last April 2015 in Nepal. Many Nepali youths were significantly involved in carried out various initiatives including the building restoration and helping vulnerable groups of people at the affected sites have proved themselves to be motivated, energetic and passionate about global environmental issues. 


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  • says :
    I agree with you, chuck. My guess is, that there's almost no or a few parties to represent youths in the parliament.
    Posted 11-01-2016 13:56

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Your are totally right. Youth have a key role towards the shaping of the society. Authorities should invest on them. Thanks for the report. Keep working green and hard.
    Posted 08-01-2016 09:13

  • says :
    splendid article dude ! we youth have the potentiality to bring the change , only the thing we need is to stand up !
    Posted 08-01-2016 01:49

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    awesome ! we youth should stand up together to serve the environment and bring a revolutionary change . :)
    Posted 08-01-2016 01:47

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    These days Youth power is recognised world over. Many key positions are held by youths. In this context to tackle the Eco-issues youth power is indeed the key factor.
    Thanks Chuck.
    Posted 07-01-2016 13:04

  • says :
    Global youth are making meaningful contributions towards a safer planet and thus, the environment. We, the youth, needs more support from world leaders to step up our efforts. Great report
    Posted 06-01-2016 07:50

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    youth involvement in conservation of nature and environment is a BIG NEED in todays world.
    Posted 06-01-2016 03:57

  • says :
    Youth has to come forward to promote and protect our environment . They are our future gen. They got to keep the environment clean and pollution free , so that they themselves can have a healthy life ahead .
    Posted 06-01-2016 03:13

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I like the title of your report 'Youth for Environment or vice versa'.
    Youth has immense potential to overcome any hurdle, to stand up and face disasters like Nepal Quake and to bring about any revolutionising change. I full agree with you that youth should be included in global decision making platforms or summits , in CSR and various other govt initiatives/project. Youth is the backbone of civil society and are an important segment which can not be ignored at all.
    Posted 05-01-2016 18:43

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