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Monitoring Dubai Greenery from Outer Space

by Rohan Kapur | 11-01-2016 14:37 recommendations 0

On 09-Jan-16 Dubai Media Office published an image depicting green areas of new Dubai created by satellite images taken by Dubai Sat-2 satellite. It is very promising to see a big patch of green from outer space. It is very encouraging to see such vast greenery created by Dubai in Desert. Mind it dear ambassadors & other readers that all this massive landscaping is watered by recycled sewerage water. The seeds of all flowers & grass are also locally developed by the municipality.

The photograph uses false colours to represent certain types of areas. Vegetation is marked in red, bare ground is brown, water is dark blue, and buildings and paved surfaces are light blue or grey.

The image would be useful to public and private entities such as Dubai Municipality and environmental agencies, said Salem Al Marri, assistant director general of scientific and technology affairs at the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre.

As the satellite?s onboard camera was limited to capturing images that are 10 kilometres wide, it took five to six passes over Dubai to stitch together a complete picture of the city.

?The image you see is a mosaic which takes months to create,? said Mr Al Marri.

Even though Dubai Sat-2 circumnavigates the globe about 14 times a day, four of which are over the UAE, it takes more than three months to shoot Dubai in its entirety.

The duration will be significantly reduced when the UAE launches its next-generation satellite into orbit.

KhalifaSat, the first satellite built entirely by Emirati engineers, will augment Dubai Sat-2 when it is launched in 2018 and provide more detailed images thanks to a higher-resolution camera. ?If Dubai Sat-2 can tell you how many trees there are in a specific area, you will be able to identify what kind of trees they are with KhalifaSat,? said Mr Al Marri.

With this locally developed amazing new technology, Dubai will be in a better position to monitor its environmental footprint. The way they keep a count of each tree in the Emirate it shows their dedication & the value they assign to each tree. They do not waste any vegetation not even a blade of grass. Nothing is thrown away. I wish to convey this dedication to the readers. If you want to be sustainable show your dedication. Value each patch of green. Respect & care the nature & it will protect you for sure.

Images Source: The National, Bhomes, Dubai Media Office


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  • Dormant user Rohan Kapur
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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Alina, Thanks, Spread of greenery is always encouraging & welcome for the environment.
    Posted 18-01-2016 12:43

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Himanshu, Thanks
    Posted 18-01-2016 12:41

  • says :
    Wow!!Dubai always amazes us with different initiatives for green world.It's really an effective way.HOpe it happens as Christy said.Thanks for sharing Rohan. :)
    Posted 13-01-2016 14:05

  • says :
    Thats Intresting
    Posted 13-01-2016 01:57

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Christy. You are absolutely right. We are delighted to see spread of greenery, that too sustainably. Other countries may follow the similar model.
    Thanks for your Comment.
    Posted 12-01-2016 21:18

  • says :
    Great! I hope this greenery spreads further and further until it paves all middle east area.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:24

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Soram,Thanks for your comments. Dubai has aptly mixed high tech with green.

    Posted 12-01-2016 17:11

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Bindu Di. Thanks for your usual warm comments. You see this image is a mosaic which takes months to create, piece by piece.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:10

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Eco-Gen. Thanks for your comments.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:09

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Prakriti. Thanks for your comments. Green reporting from Dubai is regular & very effective.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:08

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Harmanjot. Thanks for your comments.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:08

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Tanverjit. Thanks for your comments. Indeed its' beautiful & that too from space.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:07

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Joshua, Thanks for your comments.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:07

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Aabha. Dubai is responsibly green. Thanks for your comments.
    Posted 12-01-2016 17:06

  • says :
    The pictures are wondeful. Great to know that such high tech will be helpful to keep our environment green. Thanks for sharing!!! :)
    Posted 12-01-2016 16:37

  • says :
    This is an informative satellite image for researchers and public as well to understand the components of landscape in Dubai. I am much amazed to know that massive landscaping is watered by recycled sewerage water. Hats off to the municipality for developing seeds of flowers and grasses locally.
    Thank you for sharing the information dear brother Rohan :)
    Posted 12-01-2016 11:52

Eco Generation

  • Arushi Madan says :
    This is a great initiative to monitor and safeguard the environment. Thanks for reporting.
    Posted 12-01-2016 08:08

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    wonderful DUBAI ! doing a good job !
    frequently , i am getting green news from Dubai and its wonderful .
    thank you for your report .
    Posted 12-01-2016 01:59

  • says :
    This is a very good way to monitor the environmental position.Thanks for sharing Rohan.
    Posted 11-01-2016 18:49

  • says :
    This looks beautiful . Good job by the Dubai Municipality .
    Thanks for sharing .
    Posted 11-01-2016 16:58

  • says :
    Well, great job by Dubai forestry and environmental agency.
    Posted 11-01-2016 15:58

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    wow........so nice... Dubai is doing great job.... greenery protection ..... I love green world...thank so much for this wonderful report Dubai and its greenery.
    Posted 11-01-2016 15:17

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