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HAPPINESS: Yellow boat of hope and Project NOWTBUKS goes to Daanbantayan

by Jamaica Layos | 12-01-2016 23:29 recommendations 0

HAPPINESS: Yellow boat of hope and Project NOWTBUKS goes to Daanbantayan

A perfect collaboration was built to create happiness to the kids of Bitoon Elementary School, Daanbantayan, Cebu, last December 20, 2015. Spending the Christmas with the elementary kids was such a great experience and happiness.

Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation Inc. gave at most 70 yellowbag to the elementary students of Daanbantayan and the CIT University Industrial Engineering Council's Project NOWTBUKS was happy to teach the kids the importance of conservation of the Mother Earth through making eco-notebooks. The Team of Eco-guards were just so happy seeing the kids enjoying making there personalized eco-notebooks. Seventy elementary students of Bitoon Elementary School learned how to make notebooks out from used and recycled materials. We truly believe that those yellow bags they received and the eco notebooks they made would serve as an inspiration along their journey as students.


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  • Dormant user Jamaica Layos
  • recommend


  • says :
    Good job getting kids involved :D
    Posted 19-01-2016 14:14

  • Jamaica Layos says :
    Greatness is doing small things of work you love. This is for the conservation of Mother Earth. Let it grow!
    Posted 16-01-2016 19:31

  • says :
    great !
    Posted 15-01-2016 21:00

  • says :
    Interesting work and brief but concise report. Great work, Jamaica
    Posted 15-01-2016 18:01

  • Jamaica Layos says :
    All thanks to the TEAM Eco Guards who made this event possible. :D
    Posted 13-01-2016 21:41

  • says :
    Great way of spreading happiness and love with these kids and making them understand the care for nature.
    Excellent job guys .
    Well done .
    Posted 13-01-2016 17:56

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What a great way to spend Christmas with these lovely kids-giving them gifts like yellow bags and teaching them to make eco notebooks from recycled stuff. You and the team taught them positive environmental values in a fun filled way which I am sure they will remember and follow.
    Posted 13-01-2016 15:32

  • says :
    Great way to make kids love recycling! I loved the smiling face of kids. You and your team did a beautiful work, thumbs up :D
    Posted 13-01-2016 11:34

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Really nice of you Jamaica. Nothing is better than being resourceful. It helps to eliminate waste.
    Posted 13-01-2016 09:37

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    Really , this is great . Thank you for sharing .
    Posted 13-01-2016 05:41

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    kids are too lovely and cute !
    Posted 13-01-2016 01:01

  • says :
    That was great
    Posted 13-01-2016 00:56

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