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Trees - The Natural Air Conditioners

by | 15-01-2016 01:00 recommendations 0

All over the globe trees are planted to help control the temperatures and reduce the effects of global warming since trees are called the the 'Nature's Air Conditioners'. But in real life we often don't accept this. It has always been difficult demonstrating their cooling propertis of the trees.
We might measure the cooling effect of trees by comparing the temperatures in parks with that nearby streets , but that doesn't help us explain the idea accurately , because even in large, leafy parks, the daytime air temperature is usually less than 1? cooler than in the stuffy streets – and at night the temperature in parks can actually be higher.

To explain this contradiction, we need to think more clearly about the physics of heat flows in our cities, and the scale of the measurements we are taking.
Theoretically, trees can help provide cooling in two ways: by providing shade, and through a process known as evapotranspiration.

Locally, trees provide most of their cooling effect by shading. How warm we feel actually depends less on local air temperature, and more on how much electromagnetic radiation we emit to, and absorb from, our surroundings. A tree?s canopy acts like a parasol, blocking out up to 90 per cent of the sun?s radiation, and increasing the amount of heat that we lose to our surroundings by cooling the ground beneath us.
All up, the shade provided by trees can reduce our physiologically equivalent temperature (that is, how warm we feel our surroundings to be) by between seven and 15?, depending on our latitude. So it?s no surprise that, in the height of summer, people throng to the delicious coolness of the shade provided by the parks and greenlands.

Trees can also cool down buildings – especially when planted to the east or west – as their shade prevents solar radiation from penetrating windows, or heating up external walls. Experimental investigations and modelling studies in the USA have shown that shade from trees can reduce the air conditioning costs of detached houses by 20 to 30 per cent.

So it is very much clear that trees do provide the cooling effects in the environment . Clearly there is much need to reduce the deforestation and increase the afforsetation. 
We can start this individually by planting a sapling in our own house at first , then go further planting in our locality and so on .Concepts like birthday plantation must be promoted.It is now a scientifically proved fact that trees actually do purify air.So what are we waiting for? Let us go ahead on a tree plantation spree!
Evapotranspiration in action

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  • says :
    Well pointed dear Harmanjot, Trees are natural air conditioners and lungs of mother Earth. But often their importance is often ignored resulting in massive deforestation and unplanned urbanization.
    Thank you for sharing this beautifully written article dear :)
    Posted 18-01-2016 12:33

  • Jamaica Layos says :
    Let it grow Let it grow. You can not reap what you don not sow.
    Posted 16-01-2016 19:27

  • says :
    @Olamide Right! Thanks for reading the article.
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:48

  • says :
    @Kirtan Thanks for the comment.
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:48

  • says :
    @Joshua Lets all call them life :)
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:47

  • says :
    @Christy Trees are precious indeed.Thanks for the comment.
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:47

  • says :
    @AAbha Glad to know that you are already on the road to implementing this concept!
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:46

  • says :
    @Prakriti Thank you Prakriti!
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:46

  • says :
    @Arushi I agree that trees are the lifelines of the earth! Thanks for commenting!
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:45

  • says :
    @Tanverjit Yes indeed the role of trees is now experimentally proved! Thanks for reading and commenting!
    Posted 16-01-2016 17:44

  • says :
    the role of trees in our environment cannot be over-emphasized. Thanks Harmanjot, for sharing article.
    Posted 16-01-2016 06:34

  • says :
    A tree is itself a part of environment which conserves the environment...
    Posted 15-01-2016 20:22

  • says :
    Trees are important and I call them life. Plants are life.
    Posted 15-01-2016 19:10

  • says :
    Trees are important and I call them life. Plants are life.
    Posted 15-01-2016 19:10

  • says :
    Well written Harmanjot :) Trees always give great things at no price.
    Posted 15-01-2016 15:27

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    Wow, you describe the importance of tree through this beautiful piece of article .Tress are always important for us and for our environment .
    We are making students and people aware through GO Green concept, Huge A tree and implementing the concept of Birthday plantation .
    Posted 15-01-2016 11:46

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    yeah ! well written, through this article people can understand the importance of trees .
    we too are implementing the concept of birthday plantation .
    Posted 15-01-2016 10:55

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Well shared Harmanjot. I agree with you and also request everyone to plant trees on birthdays and all special days and festivals as trees are the lifelines of earth.
    Posted 15-01-2016 01:22

  • says :
    Trees have always been beneficial for the environment , and now by this study people will understand more of its cooling effects .
    Thanks for such valuable Information .
    Posted 15-01-2016 01:02

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