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District Cooling in UAE

by | 24-01-2016 19:38 recommendations 0

The district cooling sector in the UAE is forecast to see 18% growth over the next five years, according to Emicool, one of the three big players in the sector within the country.
District cooling means the centralized production and distribution of cooling energy. Chilled water is delivered via an underground insulated pipeline to office, industrial and residential buildings to cool the indoor air of the buildings within a district.The company expects over 40% of the overall global demand for district cooling to come from the Middle East and Africa by 2019.
With new projects seeing a steady transition from traditional air-conditioning to district cooling, companies such as Emirates District Cooling (Emicool), Empower and Tabreed are seen playing a bigger role. Emicool says it is set to boost its market share from the current 12% to 20% due to growing demand. It is also targeting expansion of its plant capacity in Dubai Investment Park from 115,000 tones of refrigeration (TR) to 250,000 TR going forward.
Emicool plans to further increase its capacity to 500,000 TR by 2020. 
In UAE and regionally, there is a huge commitment to the cause of sustainability, and no wonder district cooling industry has a profound role to play in eco-friendly infrastructure of districts, cities and countries
The benefits of district cooling are evident and master planners are increasingly incorporating district cooling systems in future projects. As a company, Emicool is eyeing strong growth as residential projects and demand picks up in the region.

Source : Khaleej Times .

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  • says :
    It sounds so detailed and professional, I hope it works out well!
    very interesting :D
    Posted 29-01-2016 12:45

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is another sustainable effort of Dubai. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 27-01-2016 15:09

  • says :
    With increased demand of indoor cooling, district cooling will have a crucial role to play for sustainability. I am sure further new technologies are developed and incorporated in current system for energy efficiency.
    Thank you for sharing dear Harmanjot :)
    Posted 26-01-2016 12:17

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing the interesting news, Harmanjot. It's heavily snowing in Korea. So, your article worked great for me to think about the opposite side of the globe.
    Posted 25-01-2016 14:50

  • says :
    mesmerizing idea and innovative

    Posted 25-01-2016 00:33

  • says :
    Nice to read about such technologies and infrastructures.
    Posted 24-01-2016 22:46

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