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Ready for 2016, My Green Resolutions

by | 26-01-2016 11:39 recommendations 0

Often said, if you fail to plan you plan to fail. For sure, Planning is half the work done.

2015 had been an engaged productive year for me in terms of personal as well as professional development. Time flies so soon and we are already in an entirely new year, 2016.


With New Year, umpteen ideas have popped up into my head. I find myself much motivated and determined to accomplish this New Year's diary with unprecedented adventures, widespread networking and of course selfless volunteering.

My Resolutions for 2016 are simple but sincere. I am committed to do what I have been doing more effectively and set some new goals as well.


Like in 2015 I have decided to:

Continue waste segregation at my house, composting the degradable byproducts

Plant a tree on my birthday join hands with parents for participating in plantation at their marriage anniversary

Avoid usage of polythene bags as far as possible

Abide myself by 3R principle: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Continue organizing campaigns for youth empowerment and Eco- Leadership Development

Volunteer in social and environmental events like community clean up

Establish Tunza Eco- network in new schools


Is anything new for 2016?


Of course, I have set some new targets for this New Year.

I would love to focus on researching and paper/article publication in this year. I have realized there are many aspects in my rural societies which are in dire need of limelight to get addressed like girls being untouched during their monthly periods, indigenous techniques to filter water, local initiatives for child friendly/eco- friendly schools etc. I would be having a deep analysis of the issues (be it problems or solutions) and try to disseminate the information to new audiences.


Climate change being a topic of my deep interest, I will be following the climate change discussions, intersession and negotiation progress throughout the year.


Moreover, I couldn't meet one of my goals for 2015 which was working for wildlife conservation. This year I am committed to meet this objective and organize a campaign where children can get empowered with wildlife and its importance.


Last but not the least, I will be saving money from my part time teaching job and invest it in volunteering and social aids recalling installation of solar panel at my house last year with my savings.


Of course these all are not the limitations of my will, I will be doing the best I can to make this year much productive and impactful by endless learning, sharing and contributing.








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  • says :
    Dear Joshua thank you for such a kind compliment :)
    Posted 01-02-2016 11:51

  • says :
    Dear Rohan brother, Thank you so much for your kind support and wishes :)
    Posted 01-02-2016 11:50

  • says :
    Dear Konstantinos, Thank you so much for your kind wishes. I wish you have a productive new year full of innovation and achievements :)
    Posted 29-01-2016 12:59

  • says :
    Bindu! I honestly have to say that although I haven't met you personally you impress me so much! Everyone here is so active and always motivates me to do better.. You by representing us all made us feel proud, and sincerely saying I hope I can be like you one day! Despite busy schedule you seem to work so hard to promote environmental issues and your work is defninitely one of the most impressive one! Good luck on your green resolutions, I'm sure you'll be able to achieve everything, and keep being a great motivater!
    Posted 29-01-2016 12:54

  • says :
    Great pictures. 2016 will be a great year and 2015 was an amazing for you, Bindu. You're doing great
    Posted 28-01-2016 01:54

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Keep it up Bidu Di! Amazing pics.
    Good luck. I'm sure you'll achieve & exceed the goals set.
    Posted 27-01-2016 14:32

  • says :
    Amazing plans Bindu. I wish you looking back at the end of 2016 and feeling proud of what you have achieved!
    This is a wish for every TUNZA member.
    Posted 27-01-2016 08:12

  • says :
    Dear Mohit brother, I am so glad to hear your kind wishes. Thank you dear :) I am hopeful to have your warm support in my endeavors :)
    Posted 27-01-2016 02:21

  • says :
    Dear Brian, I double agree accomplishing set plans is more important than setting plan itself. I am committed to accomplish my resolutions. Thank you so much for your kind wishes :)
    Posted 27-01-2016 01:44

  • says :
    Dear Harmanjot, Thank you for your kind wishes. I am much hopeful to recieve your support like previious years to accomplish my dreams this year :)
    Posted 27-01-2016 01:38

  • says :
    Thank you for your kind wishes dear Ashtha sister. I look forward to working with you all in this year to make it bigger :)
    Posted 27-01-2016 01:15

  • says :
    Dear Arushi sister, Thank you so much for your kind wishes and for being there to encourage me in every endeavors last year. Yeah sister, 2015 have been a wonderful year for me in strengthening networking and exploring new dimensions of sustainability. I am committed to make this year even more production with all of yours love and support :)
    Posted 27-01-2016 01:12

  • says :
    You achieved a lot in year 2015 and for 2016 also you have Great new year resolutions Bindu di. Wishing you the best in all your endeavours.Thanks for sharing and looking forward to read a lot of your reports.
    Posted 26-01-2016 21:36

  • says :
    Just as planning, accomplishing set objectives is yet another task. But as for your sake I can see a success. Since you did achieve a majority of last year's goals, I believe you are equal to this year's.
    All the best as you better our environment
    Posted 26-01-2016 19:02

  • says :
    You have done such great work last year and i hope you'd do even much better this year.
    Good luck.
    Posted 26-01-2016 17:34

  • Ashtha Lamsal says :
    yeah di you did a lot in 2015.. great to hear your new year's resolution :)
    good luck
    Posted 26-01-2016 14:59

  • Arushi Madan says :
    You indeed worked a lot at local and global level in 2015 and made us proud. I am sure 2016 will be a much greater year for you and will bring you loads and loads of appreciations and accomplishments. Lovely green resolutions and a person like you would definitely achieve them. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
    Posted 26-01-2016 13:42

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