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Alternative Sources of Lighting

by Bam Azores | 27-01-2016 00:22 recommendations 0

I tried to do some research on simple alternatives for sources of lighting. There are simple technologies that are already available in the Philippines like the SALt lamps and the Litro Lights (or liter of light). Both technologies are environmentally sustainable and low cost.



As explained by founder Illac Diaz, the "Liter of Light" is a simple yet effective solution to lighting up dark areas of the house by placing one of these ingenious technologies on one's roof. The "Liter of Light" uses no electricity and can be made by anyone at home as long as they have the following: a 1-liter bottle, water and bleach. However, it is it cannot be used during the nighttime because it only scatters the sunlight it catches.



On the other hand,"SALt lamps" are a bit more costly but serve a broader purpose. Besides being able to be a proper light source at night, it can also serve as a charging station for small phones and other low power devices. The only problem with it is that the people trying to manufacture it have limited resources therefore are struggling to make ends meet. This is where the research comes in. Participants will research and find ways on how to solve the problems that the manufacturers face like lack of funds. This technology was discussed by the inventor, Aisa Mijeno, with President Obama and Jack Ma of China when the Philippines hosted the APEC CEO Summit in November 2015.



There are many other alternative sources of light that people are inventing.  Actually, way back in 2004 BP Solar and the government of Spain tried to brought solar-powered lighting to distant rural villages and at that time it was a new technology.  But nowadays, solar power is one of the most known alternative sources of energy and it's quite common to see buildings and even homes to have solar panels on their roofs.

Illac Diazrooftop panel

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  • Dormant user Bam Azores
  • recommend


  • says :
    I've never heard of 'salt lamps,' it sounds so interesting.. This source sounds so innovative as well!
    Posted 29-01-2016 13:00

  • says :
    It is very important we should keep researching on alternative energy source and make it successful. Thank you for sharing! :)
    Posted 28-01-2016 11:34

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Alternative sources are the need of the hour as sustainability is the key of survival.
    Thanks for sharing, Bam.
    Posted 27-01-2016 13:01

  • says :
    As our major goal is sustainable environment, the use of alternative sources of energy are greatly going to reduce the reliance of fossil fuel, which when extracted may cause environmental pollution and natural resource depletion. I therefore encourage you to keep on with your research.
    All the best and thanks for bringing this up.
    Posted 27-01-2016 05:09

  • says :
    Dear Bam, I have heard some similar alternative techniques few years ago in Nepal as well like scattering of daylight in dark slums using bottle of water, using salt solution along with dung for electricity generation but in small ratio. I am so hopeful that the research be successful in start up of this alternative technology in larger scale.
    Thank you so much for introducing these clean alternative energy of indigenous technology :)
    Posted 27-01-2016 03:01

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's time that we should stop our reliance on fossil fuel based energy and start using alternative sources which do not harm environment directly or indirectly. Thanks for sharing, Bam.
    Posted 27-01-2016 00:43

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