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Environmental Awareness Workshop

by | 27-01-2016 15:56 recommendations 0

During my short visit to India recently, I decided to conduct a Tunza Eco Generation promotional event. I regularly organize promotional events in the UAE, whenever I get the opportunity to do so on various occasions. This time I decided to do environmental awareness campaign and an interactive session among children and their parents. I also called few children who are not as privileged like us and parents are not able to teach and help them.


I inspired the youth of the community to plant trees and do as much as they can to give back to the society by conserving, preserving and protecting the natural resources of the Earth. I explained them the importance of saving our water resources and told them that although our earth is known as the blue planet, there aren?t enough fresh water resources for the entire human population. Then I shared with them the changes they can make in their daily lifestyles which can not only help to save the environment but will also enable them to do their part to protect mother nature.


I also showed them the Tunza Eco-Generation website on my laptop and explained to them the plethora of activities that are carried out on this marvelous platform, the fun-filled games for entertainment and also articles written by our beloved, diligent and dutiful ambassadors. They loved the platform and promised they would become a member of this platform and also contribute to exchanging their views and opinions on issues concerning the environment and various measures they will carry out for the betterment of the community and environment. I got immense satisfaction after seeing their involvement and enthusiasm in the interactive session. I felt that some of them really have courage and wanted to do something to bring positive change in their environment but because of lack of knowledge, help and resources they are not coming forward so I promised to give them support and help.


I explained to parents also about global warming. I asked them to encourage people around you also to pursue an environment-friendly lifestyle and educate citizens on the negative impact of the indiscriminate consumption of resources and rational use of electricity and water consumption.


 In the end we all pledged to preserve the surplus energy resources of the present for the future which they can utilize when they grow up, they pledged to plant trees in their homes, keep their surroundings clean, reduce the use of plastic, learn to upcycle and use jute bags for shopping. They also pledged to not litter the environment and will encourage their friends and family to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.



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  • says :
    it is very good to interact with the grass root and give them a sense of belonging in the community. well done, Mohit
    Posted 02-02-2016 02:39

  • says :
    @Yuna...Thank you so much for your best wishes and wishing you the same.
    Posted 01-02-2016 23:02

  • says :
    Mohit, its always great to hear about how many of us try so hard to raise environmental awareness :) Keep up your good work, proud of you!
    Posted 29-01-2016 13:03

  • says :
    Thank you so much @Rohan.
    Posted 28-01-2016 20:09

  • says :
    Thanks @Brian, @Arushi,@Nilanjan. @Joshua. Its really motivating to read such warm comments from all of you.
    Posted 28-01-2016 20:09

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done Mohit. The kids looks enthusiastic in pics. Thanks for sharing Tunza Eco-Gen platform with these kids & family.
    Posted 28-01-2016 13:44

  • says :
    I agree with Brian, your kind of audience is unique. I believe your impact with these kids will last long and be transferred to others. Great job
    Posted 28-01-2016 02:15

  • says :
    Great work done Mohit :) Keep the good work going!
    Posted 28-01-2016 02:01

  • Arushi Madan says :
    This is really great. Keep spreading environment awareness and keep promoting Tunza Eco Gen. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 28-01-2016 00:45

  • says :
    Wow! This is fantastic! Am particularly impressed with the kind of audience that you chose. Those who are less privileged are mainly the majority who interact with the environment. Again, am impressed with how you managed to impart in them that urge and desire to make a difference.

    The forum you gave them, I believe, is gonna make the greatest change to ensure environmental conservation ... which is our sole goal.
    Posted 27-01-2016 21:18

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