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Gerakan Indonesia Bebas Sampah 2020 (Trash-Free Indonesia Movement)

by | 28-01-2016 16:10 recommendations 0

Indonesia still has a great deal of work related to the trash problem. In Indonesia, the world?s fourth-most-populous nation, people living along the coast generated about 3.22 million tons of mismanaged plastic trash in 2010, about 10% of the world total. Of that, between 0.48 million and 1.29 million metric tons ended up as marine waste (The Wall Street Journal). Therefore, serious effort in waste management by involving society and local community is urgently needed.

In 2015, Greeneration Indonesia launched a national movement called Indonesia Bebas Sampah 2020 (Trash-Free Indonesia Movement). And this movement has gained national attention since January 2016. According to the founder of this movement, the reality in Indonesia is that the people do not know how to manage and reduce trash, especially plastic and others inorganic trash.

Therefore, Greeneration with a number of collaborators continue to campaign for action to move to # IndonesiaBebasSampah2020 throughout Indonesia. And on February 21, 2016, there will be the involvement of the community and society in 34 provinces throughout Indonesia. The actions include voluntary work to raise awareness and seek solutions garbage in their respective territories. This activity must continue to be done.

Local environment communities in Bali, such as Earth Hour Bali and Sobat Bumi Bali are invited to be collaborators and will take part in the movement. We are going together to move Indonesia to be a trash-free country by 2020. Collaborative movement always give big impact rather than individual movement. So, the parties invited to collaborate are state government and local government, public figures, NGO and community, private sector and society.

Moving to plastic-free by 2020, Indonesia needs strict policy and regulation with regard to plastic bag and waste management. Ministry of Environment and Forestry prepares procedure for the implementation of paid plastic bag policy with the initial priority of limiting the use in retail stores. The plan, paid plastic bag regulation starts to test in February 21 to June 6, 2016, while the basic rules targetted done in June.  Later, after the implementation run smoothly in a retail store, the Ministry slowly intervene stores and traditional markets that need a different approach. Further, plastic bag restriction is part of the implementation of Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management, one of which mandates restrictions on household waste. Although household waste type is various, focus on the reduction of plastic bag can have a significant impact. Assuming the number of all retail outlets in Indonesia 90,000 units, then 9.85 billion pieces of plastic bag produced during one year, then 95 percent end up as garbage.

So, Indonesia is currently taking serious effort to reducing trash and improving waste care. Hope the movement will impactful and can move Indonesia to trash free by 2020. 



Bebas Sampah Logo (source: http://bebassampah.waste4change.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/logo-bebassampah2020-525x341.png)

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  • says :
    10% of world total sounds a lot...I'm happy to hear that Indonesia is taking an initiative step to improve this condition
    Posted 01-02-2016 05:09

  • says :

    ChaeYun CHO says :
    As population is increasing rapidly, waste is surely a huge problem.
    It's amazing how Indonesia government is putting efforts on.
    Thanks for your warm article
    Posted 29-01-2016 13:32

  • says :
    Great Initiative by the Indonesian government . I hope you people achieve this eco-friendly goal by 2020 or even earlier .
    Posted 29-01-2016 02:20

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Reducing trash and improving waste care by the year 2020 is an excellent initiative by Malaysia.
    All the best & keep it up.
    Posted 28-01-2016 23:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Glad to know that Indonesia has started a movement to achieve 'plastic-free Indonesia by 2020'. All the best.
    Posted 28-01-2016 18:22

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