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Experiment on the chemical subtances -1

by | 28-01-2016 21:48 recommendations 0

     Hello ladies and gentleman. For the latest article, I briefly wrote about the information in chemical substances. Today, I would like to introduce my project on chemical substances. As I wanted to know the harmfulness of it, I had an experiment for the last few months.

     The experiment consists of two parts. The first experiment is to determine the impact on the amount of chemicals, whereas the second experiment is to see the effect on the different types of chemical substances. In this article I would like to discuss the first experiment, which dealt with the effects on the amount of chemical substances.

     Since I wanted to know the effects of chemical, I used kind of an indirect way. I did the experiment with bean plants. For each plant, I watered attenuated artificial flavor enhancer(in Korean, Miwon) and watched the growth. The experiment was done in two parts. First, I grew the plants for one week and saw the growth roughly, and in the second experiment, I grew them for one month and measured status precisely.

     So the following is the procedure of this experiment. First, I germinated bean on the Styrofoam dish. Then, in four pots, I planted four beans each. And then, I prepared three one litter bottle. In each bottle, I dissolved 20g, 40g, 60g of artificial flavor enhancer. After the beans grew about 5cm, I watered those artificial flavor enhancer water for one week. So, the manipulated variable is the amount of artificial flavor enhancer dissolved in the water.

Below are some pictures of preparing the experiment



These are the pictures and results of the experiment.

result of 1st experiment

     The green pot was watered 'water', pink pot is 20g, blue pot is 40g, and purple pot is 60g. As you can see, the result was just like what I expected. The growth difference was so huge. But the interesting part was that the purple pot beans were even rotten! It smelled stinking and was covered with mold. (picture below)


     For the detailed experiment, I conducted the second experiment. The experiment was done in the same process for one month. But this time, I measured 4 things every week height, thickness of stem, the number of leaf, and the length of leaf. From the second week, I started to water 'artificial
flavor enhancer water'. Look at the picture below.

2nd week
2nd week

3rd week
3rd week (Awwwww,,, the picture is not clear. Sorry)

 4th week
4th week

As you can see the growth is markedly different. And below is the data of the 4 criteria I measured.





     As you could see in the pictures and graph, beans which had water showed the best growth. Moreover, plants with low concentration grew better than the ones which higher concentration. This is a very acceptable result as we all assumed. The 40g and 60g plants dried easily and I think that this is because of osmosis phenomenon. The water in the plant seems to have been come out.

     We could re-verify how harmful artificial flavor enhancer is to plants. Well, since there will be numerous of other factors in the nature, I cannot just easily conclude the result. However, like what plants suffered from chemicals, I believe that nothing would be different for humans as well. The artificial flavor enhancer is thing that we can eat. However, the chemicals that are emitted to the nature is much more noxious than this artificial enhancer. I hope something must be done to reduce chemical usage for the environment.

     For the next article, I would introduce the second experiment based on the type of artificial chemicals. Thanks for reading!


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  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    The idea of this experiment was great . The difference between natural work and artificial work is highly noticeable and its effect too. Use of artificial flavour enhancer can bring various harm in environment and plants too.
    Great effort thank you for sharing .
    Posted 30-01-2016 02:06

  • says :
    One the most amazing article i ' ve ever read . Thanks for this great information .

    Posted 29-01-2016 02:27

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Incredible efforts. I liked the way you concluded with your experiment the harmful consequences of artificial flavour enhancers. Thanks for sharing the experiments in details with analysis and infographics.
    Let's #SayNoToChemicals
    Posted 29-01-2016 01:56

  • says :
    Nice experiment Chae Yun! I loved those graphs which precisely showed the degradation which took place due to your addition of the chemical substance 'Miwon'!
    Posted 29-01-2016 00:23

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Excellent work ChaeYun. The experiment with flavour enhancer compared with water with detailed graphs is really eye-catching.
    I agree that nothing beats nature & natural products. Plants alike humans suffer badly because of chemicals
    Posted 28-01-2016 23:25

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