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by | 30-01-2016 05:33 recommendations 0

Congratulations to HE John D. Mahama, the President of the Republic of Ghana, on his new appointment as Co-Chair of the grand sixteen member group responsible for advocating to support the Secretary-General in his efforts to generate momentum and commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

It is of no doubt that the achievement of the global goals will require a high level of commitment from every single individual living on planet earth but more particularly, world leaders and governments. Individuals, families, communities, societies, institutions, cultural groups, civil organizations and religious groups will do their best to help achieve the SDGs for global peace but that will require governments to lay down foundations through policies and frameworks that strengthens and enforce the capacity of citizens, civil organizations and local groups to act towards the achievement of a better and safer world. In view of this, eminent personalities, including HE J. D. Mahama has been select to champion the advocacy of the recently launched global goals and to facilitate its successful accomplishment.

Despite this new achievement, the government of Ghana is advancing plans to construct a 700 MW coal fired power plant in Ghana which is expected to commence August this year. Fossil fuel (coal, crude oil, natural gas, petroleum, rock oil, etc) still remains the largest contributor to climate change due to its high carbon and hydrogen content, and thus, the reason for COP 21 – where governments submitted their INDCs to divest from fossil fuel, commit to clean energy and prevent a 2 degrees rise in global temperature.


Coal power kills! Preceding and following COP 21, there has been several shut down of coal fired power stations within various countries and a divestment to clean energy. HE J. D. Mahama, working as advocacy champion for the SDGs, we call on you to put a stop to investment into fossil fuel. Starting with the abolition of the proposed 700 MW coal fired power plant in Ghana. Progressing with this project is contrary to your new task and thus, makes it impossible for you to advocate for the global goals.  

Out of the 17 goals to be championed by HE J. D. Mahama, 11 of the goals (No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well Being, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water and Life on Land) are directly dependent of environmental quality and climate change. Climate Change has been listed as the top hindrance to economic growth in 2016 – affecting agriculture and increasing poverty through intensified and frequent occurrence of devastating climate related disasters.

coal fumes

Think global, act local. All lives matter, our health matter, the ecological health of our ecosystems will directly be at risk following the introduction of coal in Ghana. HE J. D. Mahama, kindly avert your plans of coal to Ghana. No coal to Ghana!!! We cannot achieve the SDGs if all governments follow this trail.  Light the way, lead the path let us keep fossil fuel in the ground. It is such a great achievement to be appointed to champion such a global cause which aims to end poverty, achieve shared prosperity, build peace, and secure a life of dignity and a healthy planet for present and future generations.

Congratulations once again, HE J. D. Mahama. We look forward to your effective advocacy towards the successful achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.



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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Congrats to HE J. D. Mahama. Sustainable energy solutions must be implemented in Ghana.
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:39

  • says :
    He sounds so passionate about these issues! I hope the best for him:)
    Posted 31-01-2016 16:04

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats to HE J. D. Mahama.You rightly said that achievement of SDGs requires commitment and action plans followed by implementation from all stake holders especially world leaders. Let's hope that President of Ghana will soon start working on policies to incentivise renewable energy and divestment from fossil fuel. New coal power plant is not a good news and is infact one step back from path towards sustainability. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-01-2016 22:19

  • says :
    Congrats to HE J. D. Mahama. I hope he achieves all the green goals for Ghana.
    Posted 30-01-2016 21:25

  • says :
    Renewable energy is an exigent necessity in the other to supplant the use of fossil fuel and biomass resources. After the successful amiable agreement at COP21 in Paris, I expect Nigeria would take the lead in Africa to tackle the challenge of Climate change but the reverse is the case.
    Posted 30-01-2016 20:22

  • says :
    'Think global, act local.'-I loved this slogan Joshua ! Nice write up!
    Posted 30-01-2016 18:45

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