Insects are the largest class of living beings on Earth, envirion a million species are known. Like all living things, insects contribute to the balance of our environment has an important role in our ecosystem and yet the man'' tend to want to get rid of them because they are harmful but is now hunting game for some artists that is used to as decorative items and paintings art. It must be remembered that, despite their appearance for the most unattractive, they have a role to play on the planet. Seeking to eliminate it goes against the protection of the environment. Do not forget that flies, butterflies and bees pollinate crops and provide crops. Other insects, such as wasps and beetles ensure the destruction of caterpillars and aphids on plants in our gardens. As for the ugly green flies and other beetles, they clean up our environment by getting rid of decomposed materials. While it is always unpleasant to hear a wasp or a large fly buzzing around you when you are at the table, but we must remember their role before we rush on the fly swatter or bug spray, which incidentally is anything but green. Many insects serve us like bees make honey or even caterpillars that produce silk. Insects represent three-quarters of the animal species on the planet and are placed just behind the flora in the food chain. This simply means that when insect species disappears it causes a huge mess in the food chain that threatens at least several thousand species and humans in many cases. We distinguish between herbivorous insects and carnivorous insects. The second category feeds and the first two have predators such as birds that feed on eggs and larvae.
They are vital because they clean nature by removing leaves and dead wood, dead or feces left by mammals and other species. Without plants, insects could not live, but the opposite is also true. Plants need insects that transport pollen and to attract them, they produce nectar and release delicious fragrance. Insects play a vital role in agriculture grinding plants, aerating the soil and pollinating fruit trees and flowers. In organic farming, the use of insects is required. One (called auxiliaries) will be used to eliminate other (pests) without using a single pesticide. Insects play an important role in the forest where they exterminated a lot of insects harmful to trees. They also cleanse the earth by their many comings and goings are transporting seeds that germinate where they will have them filed. With ants, bees can make honey. Ants "have fun" indeed stroking the back of aphids that produce a syrup called "honeydew". Then deposit the aphids on plants by bees for honey production. Many insects such as bumble bees or for example are essential for the production of many fruits and vegetables as well as fruit trees. Unfortunately, pesticides are a threat to those insects whose life expectancy is reduced, and their ability to navigate or foraging. The use of herbicides is also an act of suicide for those who need pollinators foraging before and after flowering crops! Butterflies play a major role in our ecosystem. Their caterpillars are an important food source for many insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals. Butterflies also ensure the pollination of many flowers they carry pollen to a female flower, which allows the reproduction of the plant. Man has always focused sue harms insects especially certain diseases such as malaria transmit sleeping sickness and many others. The benefits of insects are ignored for this it is important for everyone to be aware of this situation and preserve the ecology.
Hi Mensa!! It's a very informative and nice article. thank you for sharing this.
Well I don't usually think about the importance of insect in our eco-system.
So it was a good shot for people to remind of the roles of insects in nature.
Posted 21-09-2012 13:26
Hi Mensa! Thank you for sharing this article!
Posted 10-09-2012 12:41
Hi every one
Posted 10-09-2012 01:02