e waste |
1. Today in my library hour I read one environmental article in a Tamil magazine while collecting points for my awareness speech about ?waste management? to be given for celebrating Gandhi Jayanthi (October 2nd ) in a village Kadampoor near Chidambaram. The article is about e waste. I think it is important to know about e waste. The article is ?It is estimated that in developing countries today, more than 20 million e-waste items are no longer being used and are sitting, redundant, in offices and homes around the country. Less than 10% of e-waste is recycled. E-waste can also be environmentally harmful. It contains toxic and hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated fire retardants. Items containing these substances are damaging to the environment and should not be sent to landfill. If disposed of correctly, the recyclable components can be recovered for reuse and hazardous materials can be treated appropriately. Improperly managed e-waste disposal has serious implications for the environment, human health, and information security. The environmentally sound and secure management of e-waste is a key element of the federal government greening government operations agenda. Basically the government trying to reduce the effects of e waste on human healthy and environment.?
Good job Guru~ I remember a news about recycling e-waste.
Is there anybody knows well of that?
Posted 04-10-2012 20:33
Nice Report Guru.
Posted 01-10-2012 00:31
Thank you akka.
Posted 29-09-2012 21:05
Thanks for sharing this Guru.
Posted 29-09-2012 20:23