I had participated in the Asia Pacific Civil Society Consultation Meeting 0n Nov.22-23,2012 at Kathmandu Nepal, which was organized by the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) in collaboration with the ICOMOD and Asian Development bank(ADB). It was great pleasure to participate the meeting. It was very interesting and to much important for the Asia pacific region and i represented the Tunza eco generation as the 9th ecogeneration ambassador to Nepal and Youth speaker as the youth representative from Nepal. Welcome remark was shared by the Dr.Young-wo Park,Regional director of UNEP Regional office for the Asia pacific and the opening statement by the Robert Piper, UN Humanitarian coordinator. As being the Agriculture student and environmental activist I had presented the view on the key role of the youth it the agriculture and to save environment in their community. Activities of Tunza eco generation and its networking which reflect the present need of the youth and children to collaborate with each other to conserve the nature and for the sustainable development.I sent the input document on the topic of Green economy in context sustainable development.There was different group discussion on the meeting to discuss on different topics. In line with the agenda of the 2013 GMGSF and GC/GMEF, the Regional Consultation Meeting covered following session.
Group 1: Rio+20 Outcomes and Implementation Asia Pacific
Group 2: Rio+20 and Principle 10
Group 3: UN Post-2015 Agenda
Group 4: Green Economy and Sustainable Consumption and Production
Group 5: International Environmental Governance
Group 6: Chemical Waste and Management
Group 7: Regional Priority Issues
This meeting ensured to implement the outcome of the Rio+20 in Asia pacific region and to enhance the role of major group and stakeholder to implement the draft submitted by the group in different group.for detail http://www.unep.org/roap/Outreach/CivilSociety/RegionalConsultationMeeting2012
Hi Ganga, thank you for sharing your great experience.
We are so proud of you that you represented our Tunza Eco-generation there.
Posted 30-11-2012 09:00