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My success is a result of Good Schooling and Great Parenting- Simran Vedvyas

by Simran Vedvyas | 01-05-2013 20:33 recommendations 0

Hi Friends,
How often do we really thank our school, teachers, parents, relatives?  Not so frequently 

But my suggestion we all must take time and find occasions to do this once in a while.

School is one place which forms the foundation for children and takes them to become Leaders of our future.

I am glad that institutions in Dubai and schools support a holistic approach and recognize the achievements of students well.

Personally for me, good schooling and parenting has played a key role and helped me be what I am today.

Thanks to my School - TMS Dubai and also my parents.



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  • Dormant user Simran Vedvyas
  • recommend


  • says :
    hank you for sharing
    Posted 27-08-2013 15:44

  • says :
    I agree, we must thank our Parents, Teachers, School & Society for making us a better human.
    Posted 10-06-2013 20:38

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thanks For your reading and comments Dhiroj
    Posted 19-05-2013 19:47

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing about you, your school and your success.
    Posted 19-05-2013 10:24

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    @ Rohan, Evident from your My Hero Report too :D
    Posted 03-05-2013 23:51

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    True....we all owe our schools, parents, teachers, etc.
    Posted 03-05-2013 21:14

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thank You Christy Cheers ! I love it too :)
    Posted 03-05-2013 18:08

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thanks A Lot Eco Generation :)
    Posted 03-05-2013 18:08

  • says :
    You look fantastic in the picture. Cheers!
    Posted 03-05-2013 14:06

Eco Generation

  • says :
    true words..

    Posted 03-05-2013 00:01

  • says :
    TRUE said simran .........
    I totally agree with u
    Posted 02-05-2013 20:17

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thanks Venkatesan -very Well said and added
    Posted 02-05-2013 13:27

  • says :
    As goes the slokha in sanskrit MAATA, PITHA, GURU, DEIVAM meaning in each one of our lives first important person is our mother,followed by our father, then our teachers and then only God.
    Posted 02-05-2013 08:44

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good thought. Yes we must remember & thank all those who have made a difference in our lives . Agree with you Simran.
    Posted 01-05-2013 21:52

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    I am proud to share this as a tribute to my school, friends at school who support me and my parents.
    Posted 01-05-2013 20:56

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