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Mango Magic Hits India!

by | 11-05-2013 14:40 recommendations 0

With Summers here, Mangoes have entered our lives. This report is dedicated to this fruit which is a part and parcel of Indian people's life during summers.

In India, Mango is just not a fruit but in a way, an identity. India is Mango's largest producer in the world. The most expensive type of mango is Alfonzo and it is at times bid for! Mango's account of 800 crore of Indian economy.


Mango Facts-

Mango has been grown in India since thousands of years.

There are 1000 kinds of mango in India, out of which 30 are grown for commercial purposes.

Mango, on daily basis, is the most abundantly eaten fruit in the world.


Mangoes are widely grown in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Bihar. In 2011 U.P. was the state that produced the most mangoes. India tops the list of mango producers with a great difference from others. The list is as follows:  India (150), China (43.5), Thailand (25.5), Pakistan (18.4) and Mexico (16.4). [In Lakh tons]


Mango Export 2011 - 2012 (in crore rupees)

U.A.E. – 107.37




NEPAL- 6.71

KUWAIT – 5.40



Mango's Harley connection

Do you know that, in 2007 mangoes were given to the U.S.A. in exchange of Harley Davidson by the Indian Government.  

Now that's what's Mango Magic!




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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2013 13:50

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Geetika, Mango is yummy & my fav fruit. I just had a mango milk shake while reading your report.
    Posted 12-06-2013 00:53

  • says :
    Thks for sharing
    Posted 20-05-2013 13:27

  • says :
    yes Mango is a king of fruits and it has 108 types...
    Posted 20-05-2013 00:01

  • says :
    I eat a very few fruits and mango is one them....thanx for sharing about
    Posted 19-05-2013 23:48

  • says :
    Christy :: hahaa. No doubt, they are that much yummy )
    Posted 15-05-2013 19:32

  • says :
    It's better that mangoes are expensive in Korea or I would eat more than 10 mangoes a day, haha :D
    Posted 15-05-2013 09:42

  • says :
    Christy: Awww!! well, fortunately here in India, everyone can enjoy a lot of mangoes!
    Posted 15-05-2013 01:06

  • says :
    Eco Gen : ya, that's so amazing!
    Posted 15-05-2013 01:05

  • says :
    Wow, I didn't know that India is the largest producer of Mango fruit.
    Thanks for sharing~
    Oh, by the way, it's hard to enjoy a fresh mango in Korea.
    It worth more than 3$ for each piece in department stores.
    Posted 13-05-2013 13:31

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks for the information! I didn't know that there are 1000 kinds of Mangoes! wow
    Posted 13-05-2013 08:44

  • says :
    Unmesh : weLocme ) :) :D .
    Posted 12-05-2013 15:24

  • says :
    Dhiroj : ya, i guess we all do !
    Posted 12-05-2013 15:24

  • says :
    kehkashan : (^_^)
    Posted 12-05-2013 15:24

  • says :
    Bam Azores: aha! Great . i lOve'em too !
    Posted 12-05-2013 15:23

  • says :
    Arushi : yeah . so true :)
    Posted 12-05-2013 15:23

  • says :
    yammi information!!!! thx for sharing..
    Posted 11-05-2013 22:33

  • says :
    Ya I support Arushi...Mango is the King of fruit...
    Posted 11-05-2013 21:09

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing this!:)
    Posted 11-05-2013 20:24

  • Bam Azores says :
    Was just eating a variety here that is called Apple-Mango, which is something like the mango that is common in Mexico. Yesterday had the Philippine mango which is very sweet and not too fibrous. I love mangoes.
    Posted 11-05-2013 15:20

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing this "mango exchange for Harley Davidson "info-I dint know. After all mango is rightly called "King of Fruits"
    Posted 11-05-2013 15:03

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