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Decade on Biodiversity

by | 11-05-2013 23:09 recommendations 0


This information is briefed from the Non-Wood News of FAO. After reading the news from the above, I got the imperative regarding the United Nations Launch Decade on Biodiversity.

The !==!--object--==ive of the launching was to prevent loss of species and ecosystems and encourage humanity to live in harmony with nature. Another !==!--object--==ive was to encourage governments to develop and communicate the results of national strategies for implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity.

THe humanity was involved in the initiative because many human activities have caused the exctintion of plants and animals  at some hundreds or thousands of times faster than what the natural rate would have been. The above was launched in the Japanese city of Kanazawa with Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.


Initial Source: Press TV(Ireland), 18 December 2011


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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2013 13:33

  • says :
    thanx for sharing dear...
    Posted 19-05-2013 23:53

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 13-05-2013 11:58

  • says :
    thank you for the info..

    Posted 13-05-2013 02:07

  • says :
    Thanks for the information.
    Posted 12-05-2013 10:51

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 12-05-2013 03:31

  • says :
    thank you for sharing this
    Posted 12-05-2013 00:58

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