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by | 17-05-2013 20:27 recommendations 0

I made a UCC dealing with environment and uploaded it on youtube! 


I became interested in the environmental problem after a huge Taewon Oil spill in Korea which occurred when I was in elementary 4th grade. I knew that for next generations, environment will become more important issue than economic developments. I realized that I should at least try to take small steps in order to make people be aware of the global warming, destruction of ozone layer, and the side effects these situations are going to have in our society. As we are living a comfortable lives, brushing teeth, taking shower everyday some of the islands are sinking in to the ocean, and people are already lacking of clean water and lands to agriculture. I wished that our generation can transmit clean earth to the future generation so that they can prosper in the earth. I will introduce the individual actions and changes that they can make in daily lives. In this short video, I will emphasize the fact that environment doesn't deal with only big aspects such as government or high officials but also the individuals, that every one of us living on the Earth can change the environment for the cleaner future. The simple steps will include turning off electrical devices, using public transportation, not using paper cups, trying to use less air condition or heater, and buy eco friendly products. I wish that everyone can take at least small steps toward the greener future! 


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  • says :
    Thanks for sharing the amazing video. Each step matters.
    Posted 10-06-2013 21:17

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Touching video! :) Thanks for sharing
    Posted 20-05-2013 09:16

  • says :
    Oh, the video is really good.
    You did the most important part to protect our mother nature.
    "Take 1 step forward"
    Good job!! :)
    Posted 20-05-2013 09:14

  • says :
    I agree with Arushi....
    Posted 18-05-2013 20:54

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes all of us should ourselves take these simple steps towards Greener future and should spread their need among others.
    Posted 18-05-2013 14:40

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