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Summer Fruit: Watermelon

by | 18-05-2013 20:30 recommendations 0

As we all know the temperature is continuously climbing up, raising the mercury level in the thermometer and indicating the arrival of summer. There are so many fruits which we find abundantly in this hot summer and they are mango, papaya, watermelon and banana etc. Among these fruits here I?m going to describe about watermelon as a summer fruit.  The juicy pulp of this fruit cools our body, quenches thirst and satiates taste buds. The main constituent of watermelon is water which makes its 92% of total.  But the remaining portion of nutrients plays a vital role in nourishing our body. Watermelon has so many health benefits and among them few are listed as follows.

1)      Watermelon acts as store house of different vitamins which are very essential in maintaining the health of body tissue. Organs like Skin, bones, eyes and brain are most benefitted when it is consumed.

2)      Researchers found that watermelon is a profound source of amino acid called as citrulline which gets converted into arginine. Arginine is a precursor of Nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels. Thus the dilated blood vessels increase blood flow to injured tissues and accelerate the healing processing. This property is found to be quite helpful for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction are benefitted by regular consumption of this summer fruit.

3)      The juicy melons are very rich in potassium which helps to control blood pressure. As there is a link between erectile dysfunction and blood pressure, men are doubly benefitted by the consumption of this fruit.

4)      The rich dietary fiber content in this fruit help in relieving the constipation. The soluble fibers aid in reduction of blood cholesterol. A plateful of Watermelon chunks can be used as desert and as well as herbal remedy for constipation.

5)      Antioxidants are another treasure which we can harness from this fruit. These antioxidants lend a hand in preventing cancer.

6)      Watermelon helps in reducing the acidity of the body.

Due to the several benefits of watermelon, I would like to request you all to consume watermelon in these hot summer days and to get more and more vitamins and to be healthy.



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  • says :
    Thanks for Sharing.
    Posted 10-06-2013 21:04

  • says :
    Yeah watermelon are cheap as well.
    Posted 21-05-2013 00:04

  • says :
    Even I love watermelon. It is so full of water and price is also very cheap is't it?
    Posted 20-05-2013 12:46

  • says :
    Watermelon is summer fruit. isn't it. Thanks christy for your comment.
    Posted 20-05-2013 11:09

  • says :
    Wow, welcome to my world, watermelon :D
    Thank you for the information~~
    Posted 20-05-2013 09:01

  • says :
    Wow, welcome to my world, watermelon :D
    Thank you for the information~~
    Posted 20-05-2013 09:01

  • says :
    Its my favorite too...
    Posted 20-05-2013 00:58

  • says :
    lovely and yummy information...watermelon is my all time favorite...
    Posted 19-05-2013 23:34

  • says :
    Thanks for additional information Arushi.
    Posted 19-05-2013 15:19

  • says :
    I hope you also got some information from this article Kehkashan.
    Posted 19-05-2013 15:16

  • says :
    Thanks Unmesh. Just go to supermarket and bring watermelon and consume in balanced way okay?
    Posted 19-05-2013 15:14

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes you are right ,also its a great fruit to keep your stomach balanced in summers , I and my Mom love i.t
    Posted 19-05-2013 13:25

  • says :
    Thank for sharing this!
    Posted 19-05-2013 03:46

  • says :
    Just got a huge watermelon from my supermarket...... Loving it!!!!
    Posted 18-05-2013 21:28

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