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Animals: you have to be free

by | 21-02-2016 02:31 recommendations 0

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?Four legs good, two legs bad?, this quote from ?Animal Farm? by Georges Orwell shall ever remain in the minds of the humanity. Is the world so cruel against Animals? Yes, I think in some sort. Since the creation of the humanity, Animals are used as food and sacrifice for many people It is impossible nowadays to quantify the amount of animals killed every year. The percentage is so high. What is Animal Slaughtering? It is the killing of nonhuman animals, usually referring to killing domestic livestock. In general, the animals would be killed for food or sacrifice, however they might also be slaughtered for other reasons such as being diseased and unsuitable consumption. Let?s abandon the last phrase and concentrate on the voluntary reasons for slaughtering the animals.

In most African cultures, killing an animal is very significant because of the superstitious nature of the culture, For Africans, the blood will help to purify the soil and also some sins committed. Without trying to lie, I will take the case study of my own culture that is the Tupuri tribe which are found at the North region of Cameroon and also in Chad. They are mainly peasants. There are many practices in the culture that involve the killing of animals. Let?s take the case of the ?FEO KAGUE?, this literally means the feast of cocks, there is no precise day for that but it is usually celebrated in September or October, this feast is done to thank the ancestors for the year, he offered to them. It is the most important feast in the Tupuri tribe and many people know about it. It is the New Year for every Tupuri. The day of the feast, the spiritual head proceeds to the killing of many cocks, the blood spreaded on the ground is offered to the ancestors to thank and purify the year to come. This involves a lot of killing because after this, the chiefs of every village are uplarged to slaughter also and this continues to every family head. This is just one traditional aspect involving the killing of animals.

Also, in the Tupuri tribe having sexual intercourse with someone from your direct family (mother, sister, mother-in-law), adultery and murder are considered as a supreme sin. At the age of 6 years, children with different sexes are not authorised to sleep together again because they think this will make them develop some affinities and at the puberty when our sexual capacities begin to develop, this may lead to an unwanted act, in case this happens, they have to immediately purify this act, and by so doing, This could be only purified by the killing of a pussy, during the night, the two people are brought out of the village, naked and every person will hold the legs and hands of this animal, then one person will take a knife and cut the animal into 2, they will recite the following words ?with the killing of this animal, we ask for your pardon?, after that the animal is left there and they can get back to the village knowing that their sins are already purified. There are other practises, that involve of killing a goat for adultery and also killing it for an unwanted pregnancy. In all, we can say there are many practises in this culture that involve the killing of animals and we should note that this is not the only culture to practise, there are many of them but I just took a case study. For those who will like to extend their knowledge, they can go to Tupuri.org and consult every ritual. These practises are disappearing because of modernism and it is difficult to find it nowadays.

Currently, nothing is done by the government to fight against this act, even a law is not passed out to counter that. At the end of this article, I will love to thank Miss Angelique from France, who is helping me every day in fighting against this unusual act. She is involved in giving me feedbacks every time. I will also thank all the members of the Eco-Generation for helping me in writing the articles.

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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Animal Abuse is very disturbing & is unethical. All praise for Miss Angelique for the brave fight to end this menace.
    Posted 25-02-2016 16:51

  • says :
    That picture right there is so sad...take a knife and cut an animal into two.. all those sounds so upsetting.. we really need to protect our animal..Here in America we usually treat our pets nice like a part of family member,but I'm pretty sure there are still animal abuses going on behind the scene..
    Posted 23-02-2016 23:30

  • says :
    Animals are an integral part of our lives and no one has the authority to punish or abuse them. These animals are totally innocent and killing them will not forgive the sins of people. One of the causes behind these massive killings due be due to their lack of education and awareness in this area. I hope more animal protection activist groups are formed and such issue are communicated to the stakeholders properly.
    Posted 22-02-2016 16:31

  • says :
    It's being a very important issue all over the world. People shouldn't kill the animals.
    THere are laws being made in many countries. In Korea, many animal protection activists are saying pets should be treated the same as human and that they should be protected as well as human. Many animal abuse incidents are happening..Thanks for an amazing report.
    Posted 21-02-2016 22:29

  • says :
    Humans show their superiority by beating or killing the innocent animals. Some kill animals in the name of tradition/religion. What we need to realiseis we are living in the 21st century now and trust me i dont think god would get impressed by sacrificing the animal lives . And some kill aminals as a sport called hunting . Well the governments of all nations need to ban such deeds . Animals also have the right to life . We need to understand this.
    Thanks for raising such an important issue .
    Posted 21-02-2016 14:22

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Oh My God! Picture is very disturbing. I hate people killing or abusing animals.
    I don't understand what is the logice behind killing and punishing an innocent animal for your evils/sins. Who has given them this right to kill these innocent animals. Government should tackle it on top priority by passing the strongest/strictest possible law. Let' raise our voice against animal abuse. I am glad that Miss Angelique is helping you in fighting against this cruel practice. Thanks for sharing .
    Posted 21-02-2016 03:52

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