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Growing trees – Awesome action

by | 07-03-2016 00:01 recommendations 0

We, members of Trung tam Phat trien The gioi them xanh (Center of Making Globe Greener), have grown 120 trees in Ba Vi Province. Now I want to report our success and share with you some of our experiences.

Firstly, we observed the terrain and check the soil of places we are growing trees. We also listened to the recommend and hope of local people to chosen the best kind of tree to grow.

For example: In kindergarten, the teachers wanted us to grow trees that can provide foods for their kids, so we decided to grow moringa oleifera. The leaves of this kind of tree are edible and rich of nutrients.

In grave yard and big campus where shade is necessary, we grew mangoes because mango trees are quite big and tall. They also supply fruits after 2 years.

Secondly, we contacted with the local authorities to ask for cooperation. Therefore, they supported us needed tools and accommodation during the time we remained in Ba Vi to grow trees. We also called for VTC10 to broadcast our activities on TV so that more and more people can know about us and join with us.

In just two days, we grew 120 trees in two kindergartens and one grave yard and raised the awareness of protecting environment among local people. It was a great experience. 

our productsIt's me in green T-shirtIn kinder gartenwateringgrowing treesIn grave yardcooperating with VTC10Cooperating to hold event with local authoritiesBefore

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  • says :
    Nice one, Thao! Trees sequester carbon, thus, they help us mitigate global warming. Anyway, studies found out that there are species of trees that sequester more carbon than the others. So, I think all of us should consider that. Anyway, thank you very much Thao! I was really amazed by your methods on how to entice people to help! Job well done! :D
    Posted 14-03-2016 00:09

  • says :
    Thao, it's really good to see you taking initiative! and to see you getting filmed! I hope your great work is circulated around the area and inspire others! thanks for taking time for all that
    Posted 07-03-2016 22:39

  • says :
    Dear Thao, so inspiring to know about this inspiring Plantation project. I highly appreciate the way you consulted local and teachers for accessing the feasibility of tree plantation and suitable species for different locations.
    Hats of to the team work :)
    Posted 07-03-2016 22:04

  • says :
    Trees help to protect the environment. Planting of trees is a commendable initiative. Kudos Thao.
    Posted 07-03-2016 15:34

  • says :
    Thao, this is very impressive! Great job planting trees, such a nice work of all of you, We definitely need more trees all around the world :D I love your pictures as well <3
    Posted 07-03-2016 11:36

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Amazing initiative, Thao. Trees are the lungs of planet and are the lifelines for our Earth. We should plant as many trees as possible to help Earth to breath pure /clean air. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
    Posted 07-03-2016 01:10

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