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by | 07-03-2016 17:19 recommendations 0

To produce aviation fuel from plants without using fresh water or arable land has been launched in Abu Dhabi's Masdar City on Sunday.600m gallons of biofuel to be used by aviation industry this year.

A first worldwide, the project pumps water from the sea into fish ponds - water which is naturally enriched with nutrients from the fish's waste- and then used to irrigate halophyte fields, a plant rich in oil that is ideal for biofuel. What is left over from irrigation is then transferred to mangrove swamps, where the water is purified by the mangroves' roots before it is recycled back to the fish ponds.

The facility, operated by the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, is funded by the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium (SBRC), a group advancing the aviation industry's commitment to reduce its carbon emissions by developing clean, sustainable fuel.


How the project works

* Water is pumped from the sea into fish ponds

* This water is naturally enriched with nutrients from the fish's waste

* The water is used to irrigate halophyte fields, a plant rich in oil that is ideal for biofuel

* What is left over from irrigation is transferred to mangrove swamps, where the water is purified by the mangroves' roots before it is recycled back to the fish ponds

With over 100,000 flights per day, lower carbon fuel for the aviation industry has become a serious concern.

A massive source of carbon emissions that triggers climate change, aviation fuel can be replaced with biofuel produced from oily plants, but so far the big argument against that was that these plants "eat up" valuable arable land needed to grow food for the rapidly increasing world population.

 It is groundbreaking that The Masdar City facility is changing the fuel or food global quest into food and fuel solution.

A one-hectare plantation means approximately two tonnes of plant seeds, which can produce around 700 litres of biofuel. But this is a wild plant and the yields will vary.The research project is starting up with six open-air aquaculture (fish ponds) farms, covering a total area of 1,277 square metres, eight halophyte fields and four mangrove swamps. For now, the aquaculture ponds will have Indian white shrimp and tilapia fish, but in the future, more commercial fish will be used.



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  • says :
    Wow! What a very good research they got there. This kind of researches require a lot of field works, hence, passion and hardwork is indeed needed. Anyway, I just suddenly became curious. What species of plants are being used here? And I got quite confused when I heard the word plantations, alongside plant seeds. What is being used for biofuel production? Is it the seeds or the plant itself? Sorry if I got confused along the way. Lastly, regarding the purification of mangroves, how sure are we that the water becomes completely purified by the mangrove species? On the other hand, thank you very much Mohit for sharing this. Sorry if I have been asking a lot of questions. The reason behind is that such approach is new to me even I have been studying biofuel production and even I am acquainted with aquaculture. So thank you very much and looking forward to hear more from you! :)
    Posted 14-03-2016 00:25

  • says :
    It is a thoughtful project. Thanks for sharing, Mohit.
    Posted 09-03-2016 05:52

  • says :
    Mohit, I love how your report is concise and very informative. The project sounds so thoughtful, Thank you for sharing! :)
    Posted 08-03-2016 09:46

  • says :
    This is definitely one of the most interesting news i've read recently. Let us know of how the research goes! I'm eager to know the result :D thanks for posting!
    Posted 07-03-2016 22:48

  • says :
    Dear Mohit, this is such an interesting news. I highly appreciate the innovative solution of generating biofuel for aviation. I wish all the best for accomplishment of project with positive results.
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 07-03-2016 21:58

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I too read it in the papers today with interest and pride. UAE is really leading in finding creative solutions to various environmental issues. Thanks for posting, Mohit.
    Posted 07-03-2016 20:24

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